Chapter 5 - Call

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"So what do we do?" I asked Alice "We can't exactly go an get her." I wasn't sure what we were going to do about Bella going to La Push.
"I guess we tell Edward," she answered.

"Are you sure? He's going to be pretty angry."
"I think 'pretty angry' is an understatement," Alice said with a humourless chuckle.
"Fine, call him," I agreed "but you're telling him."
"Ugh, fine."

Alice dialled his number and the phone only rang once before Edward answered.

"Alice? What's wrong?" He sounded worried.
"Well, Bella's gone to La Push," Alice told him.
"She's where?!" He was already angry. "I'm on my way back. But explain. Now."

I let out a sigh as we began to walk back to the house, Alice on the phone to Edward. "Bella was at Newton's Outfitters and, I don't know what caused her decision, but suddenly she was on her way to La Push. She was too close to the border for Ellie and I to make it in time to stop her and she decided to quickly for me to be able to see what she was going to do. And then nothing. I'm completely blank, sorry I can't be of more use but as she's with them Bella's future is gone right now. Sorry for not watching her better." She was trying to soften it up with apologies. Nice.
"Don't be sorry, Alice," Edward said. "We'll be back soon." And with that he hung up.

"He didn't sound too angry," I said, once Alice put the phone in her pocket and we were running back.
"No, though I wouldn't want to be Bella right now."
"Definitely not," I agreed with a laugh. I had been on the receiving end of Edward's anger before and he would not be happy with Bella when he got back.

I was annoyed because Bella had just proved his point of why he never goes away. I wasn't sure if Jasper and Emmett would ever be able to convince him to go on another hunting trip if there was any chance Bella would run to La Push again.

It wasn't long before we arrived back and we let Rose, Esme and Carlisle know what had happened and that the guys were heading back.

Edward wasn't with Jasper and Emmett when they walked in. They said he'd driven to get Bella.

I was worried though. What if he broke the treaty? What if he crossed the boundary?

It wouldn't surprise me; he is extremely protective of Bella.

What I was most annoyed about, however, was the colour of Jasper and Emmett's eyes. They hadn't hunted meaning they would need to go again, and soon.

At least I'd managed to drain a couple deer before Bella ran off to the wolves.

Edward returned later that night, bringing his Volvo back. He didn't stay long, just said hi and said Bella was fine before leaving to go back to her house.

Not as eventful as I had imagined. No fights, not even a big argument. I was surprised.

And there went another empty weekend.


Very short, I know, but second chapter today so yay ish.

Might upload again tonight and hopefully that chapter will be longer.

Hope everyone's well, especially in lockdown at the moment or is lockdown easing off where you are?

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