Chapter 8 - Back

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We didn't call Edward. He was due back tonight anyway and there was no point telling him what had happened over the phone when we could tell him when he arrived home in a few hours.

I was tense the whole school day, as was Alice who spent nearly the entire rest of the day with her eyes unfocused, waiting for Bella to reappear.

She didn't and we drove home in silence after school, me driving whilst Alice continued to watch.

We told the others what had happened and I could see they were both angry. Not all of it was directed at Bella an I knew they were more riled up whenever the wolves were involved.

Thankfully, it wasn't too long before Alice saw Bella making her way back to the house. She let out a sigh of relief before skipping off to the garage to wait for Bella to return.

It was raining hard outside and I knew Bella would be both soaking an freezing by the time she got back.

When she did, she was in a much worse mood than I was expecting.

I didn't ask what was wrong because, being completely honest, I didn't care. We all had problems going on and Bella had Wollongong gone with Jacob despite us all telling her the wolves were bad news.

Alice took her upstairs where she showered before they both walked downstairs in pyjamas. Esme made Bella a hot drink of some description though the smell made me want to gag.

It was a nice evening overall. We watched movies and chatted about random things.

Bella bounces she was going to be quite early though but before she did, I brought down the painting I had down the previous night.

Everyone loved it and I smiled. Esme insisted we hang it and she put it in the place of my previous painting which I was currently working on to recreate but with Bella as a vampire after her transformation.

After that Bella went to bed and Rose, Alice, Esme and I sat in the living room waiting for the arrival of the boys.


The boys burst through the doors a few hours later.

"And there goes the peace and quiet," I heard Rose grumble before she stood up and greeted Emmett with a kiss I would rather not have watched.

I went to hug Edward and everyone said hello and such before Edward asked "Where's Bella?"
"Sleeping," I told him. "But before you go see her Alice needs to tell you what happened today."

She shot me a scowl and I smiled sweetly at her before she told Edward about Jacob being at school, Bella riding off with him and how she was in a bad mood once she got back but wouldn't say why.

I watched as Edward's expression turned form confusion to fury to worry.

"I'm going to go see her," Edward said standing up and heading for the stairs "By the way, Ellie, I love the painting," he added before going up to his room.

I smiled and my gaze shifted to my painting. We all looked genuinely happy, which was quite a change. But a change I liked.

Carlisle and Esme headed up to Carlisle's study whilst Jasper and Alice made their way to their room and Rose and Emmett to theirs.

After hearing some rather disturbing noises coming from upstairs, Rose and Emmett's room mainly, I decided to leave the house.

I really didn't want to listen to that for the rest of the night.

I went hunting and returned shortly before dawn when, thankfully, the house was quiet.

I decided to read until the others came down and I prepared myself to start another boring day.


I know it's quite short and I will hopefully get another chapter published shortly. Third one tonight/this morning 🥳🥳💕💕💕

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