Chapter 21 - Hunting

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I'd always been impatient but this was something else.

I couldn't sit here for another minute.

I stood up and made my way to the door. "Where are you going?" Rose asked.
"Hunting," I told her.

I left the house and knew Rose followed me out.

I continued to run from the house, not turning or saying anything to her.

I wasn't hunting, I wasn't in the mood.

She followed me as I ran but I didn't go far. We were still within hearing distance of the house.

I stopped running and punched a tree, hard. It completely smashed and the branches and pieces went flying. I kicked the tree next to it, and that too shattered. I grabbed one of its branches and hurled it at the next tree, breaking that one as well. The next tree, I climbed. I hopped from branch to branch kicking them as I went. They each fell to the ground and I jumped down before hitting that tree too.

"Ellie," Rose said cautiously as she took a few steps towards me.
"What, Rose? Are you going to tell me 'everything will be fine', 'they'll get there in time' or tell me to calm down? You know today has just been one of those days that no matter what, it just gets worse. First I believe Bella, my friend and brother's mate, had committed suicide which is bad enough but that it's my fault as I made us leave. Then, I travel to Forks and find she's alive but you told Edward she wasn't and now he wants to kill himself. I wanted very much to fight Jacob, the werewolf, but couldn't because of Bella and the treaty. I don't go to save my brother because I can't face Demetri and add more pain to what I already feel about losing Kyle. Then, I bump into Victoria and discover my gift doesn't work anymore. On top of that, I try and kill her but she escapes and I can't go after her because of the stupid treaty. Next I learn I can't fight when I'm angry, and that happens a lot so basically I can't fight at all. And to top it all off, it's been hours since we heard anything and all three of them could die and there's nothing I can do about it! I'm stuck here just waiting to hear if my brother has been killed or not!"

"I know it's been a tough day but everyone-"
"Tough? No, a tough day is when you're sick and have to take a really hard exam. A tough day is when you get injured but have a huge sports game you were needed for. A tough day is when you get no sleep but have to act like normal the next day. A tough day is not waiting to hear if several people you love have died or whether they're okay. A tough day is not risking losing people and being able to do absolutely nothing about it."

"Ellie, I truly am sorry for everything. If I'd known that this would happen, I never would have told him."
"Yeah, I know," I said, irritated "You've said you're sorry but sorry doesn't mean much when Edward, Alice and Bella are facing death!"
"You don't know that," Rose countered.
"It's been too long, Rose. They're either dead or facing the Volturi and I don't want to think about either one."
"They'll be ok," she assured me.
"They would be if it wasn't for you," I growled.

I know she'd apologised and I know I'd forgiven her but it was getting too long since we'd heard. They could all be dead by now.

"Ellie, just calm down."
"Can everyone stop telling me to calm down?!"

I moved to lunge at Rose but before I hit her, I smacked into something else.

Emmett. He blocked my view of Rose and grabbed my arms, holding me still.

"Let go of me, Emmett," I growled.
"No," he answered before lifting me off the ground and running into the woods.

Once he stopped, he set me down. "What are we doing?" I asked.
"Hunting. You haven't been in weeks and it shows."
"Fine," I agreed to hunt but only because my thirst was the worst it had been in a long time.

I took down a grizzly bear and two moose before I started to feel better. I guess Emmett has been right; everyone was always in a worse mood when they were thirstier.

Emmett drank a moose, having let me have the bear. We went back to the house and sat down again, waiting to hear anything.

It felt like an incredibly long time that we were sat there. No body spoke, nobody moved. We just waited.

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