Chapter 7 - Visitors

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Edward was barely here when Peter and Charlotte were.

On the Monday he ran to school and spied on Bella staying hidden in the tree line.

Later that night we all went to the Rainier field to play football. Emmett was desperate for a game though I had no idea how to play. Edward wasn't back by the time we left so Emmett left a note.

The pitch we set up was huge, covering the whole field. With our speed it still wouldn't take long to run the length of it.

I was on Jasper's team with Peter and Charlotte. The other team was Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Carlisle. Esme was going to umpire as Edward wasn't here to make the teams even and she said that Emmett normally cheats.

The game started and Alice got the ball. She dribbled down the pitch and headed for our goal which Peter was guarding. Jasper ran to tackle her but Alice saw what he was going to do and dodged easily.

She kicked the ball at the goal and Peter managed to save it. "Yes, Peter!" I shouted. He kicked the ball to me and I dribbled down the pitch not really sure what to do.
"Pass it to me!" Jasper called. I kicked the ball but it went wide and Emmett intercepted it.

"Emmett!" I yelled annoyed.
"Emmett, here!" Rosalie called. I took over Emmett's sight before he kicked the ball and made him see me as Rosalie and Rosalie as me so he kicked the ball straight to me.

"Thanks Emmett," I said laughing as I gave him his sight back.
"Hey, no fair!" Emmett shouted, annoyed. "Esme, That has to be cheating!" Emmett threw his hands up in the air and let them drop down by his side.
"Alice used her vision." I countered.
"Emmett, Eliana's Gift is a part of her just like Alice's and how your strength is a part of you. Not cheating!" She announced a bit louder.

"Ha!" I turned to Emmett.
"That's it," he said barrelling straight for me. I was too slow to run and Emmett collided with me.
"Gotcha," he said pinning me to the ground. I tried to wriggle free of his grasp but he was too strong. Before I could say he'd won, someone crashed into the side of Emmett knocking him off me.

Jasper was now stood up facing Emmett. "Come on then. Let's go." Jasper beckoned to Emmett who came charging at him.

The fought and Jasper was clearly the better fighter but it was hard to get past Emmet's strength. "Get him, Emmett!" Rosalie yelled.
"Come on, Jasper!" Alice joined in the yelling.

After several minutes of Jasper gaining the advantage but Emmett throwing him off with his insane strength Carlisle called out "Come on guys. This is going nowhere and it's late. Why don't we head back?"

When we got back to the house I saw Edward had written 'Sorry' underneath Emmett's note. So he had known where we were and just chosen not to come.

Edward didn't return until the next day. He came in through the kitchen and sat down at the piano and started playing. He nodded to Esme and Emmett's greetings. Jasper was saying goodbye to Peter and Charlotte who were eyeing Edward curiously.

"If you see Maria again," Jasper said warily "tell her I wish her well."
"And tell her," I said walking over to them "that I wish she go rot in hell." Peter laughed.

"I didn't know you were part of the army." Peter said.
"I replaced Jasper but not for many years after he'd left."
"They must have been tough shoes to fill."
"Not in Maria's eyes. She didn't care as long as she had someone who could make sure they won and with my gift we one every time without even having to fight."
"That sounds like her. Nothing is as important and winning the fights and gaining territory. But why such hatred?"
"Because she kept me there against my will. Because she manipulated me with her gift."
"Gift?" Charlotte asked.
"She has a persuasive edge. People always see her side of things and always tend to agree with her."
"I wished I'd known that before. I would have left even sooner." Peter said.
"If you could," I whispered.

"But Jasper, I don't imagine that will happen any time soon." Peter turned back to Jasper. "But, should it happen, I certainly will. And I'll tell her what you wish, Eliana. I'm sure she'd appreciate it." He laughed and Charlotte chuckled with Jasper. They shook hands and Edward brought the song to an unsatisfying end, standing up hastily.

"Peter, Charlotte," he said nodding to them both.
"It was nice to see you again, Edward," Charlotte said doubtfully. Peter just nodded in return. Edward left the room and O heard him start up his car and leave. As much as I was happy he had found Bella, he was neglecting the everyone and everything else at the moment.

"We must come back to Forks soon," Charlotte said.
"Yes," agreed Peter. "We must talk more, Jasper, and it would be a pleasure to get to know you more," he said to me.
"It would be nice to meet again and soon." I nodded to both of them. "Goodbye. I hope to see you soon then."

They left shortly after and I went up to my new room (Esme had kindly furnished the spare room in the house) and took out my sketch pad and pencils. I walked back down the stairs and out of the house and sat down on a large, flat rock where I had a good view of the river and forest which I proceeded to draw.

I used my vampire speed because I wanted to finish the drawing whilst the sun was still shining brightly and I knew we were almost out of sun. Alice had predicted that today would be the last day of sun and she is very rarely wrong about the weather.


Shoutout to: @jamise12345678910 💜💜💜

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