Chapter 14: Plead

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Okay, the photo above, is obviously of Hershel Greene, but it's kind of, of him talking to Destiny.
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"Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue, Realize the strength, move on." -Henry Rollins

(Two days later)

Destiny's POV:

Hershel had allowed me to move today, so that I could get my blood flowing and because it'll help me heal faster.

So, Daryl had taken me on a walk around the outside of the house and started explaining to me, what happened while I had passed out and While I was stuck in bed for the last day or so.

"Hershel was upset about what Shane had done and demanded that we all leave-" He had started explaining to me, when I spun on my heel and headed back to the house.

"No, Des jus' let Rick handle it-" Daryl was trying to get me to back down, but as long as he and his group, albeit Shane, Lori and Andrea, were around, then I had a reason to hold On.

"I wouldn't try to stop her, she tends to want to do something all that much more, when you try to force her to do otherwise." Dylan chuckled and shook his head, as he sat out on the porch smoking a cigarette.

"What the hell, since when do you smoke, Dyl?" I asked him, stopping and placing a hand on my hip raising an eyebrow at him.

"Since the world fucking fell apart, needed something to keep my mind off of everything else." Dylan sighed and puffed smoke.

"Like hell you do, I refuse to lose someone I love and hold dear, to fucking Lung Cancer." I told him, as I stood in front of him and shook my head at him.

"So savor that, because that is the last one you will ever smoke; or so help me Dyl, I will tell Mom about that 'scare'." I did air quotations and raised an eyebrow at him.

I was trying to hold back my tears and let my frustration over power my sadness.

I was going to let him finish his Cigarette, but I couldn't live with myself if something happened because of this and I didn't do anything to stop it.

So I quickly, plucked it from between his lips, walked off the porch, dropped it on the dirt and stomped on it until Daryl pulled me Back.

"I. Can't. Lose. You. Or. Them. Do you hear me Dylan!" I looked up at him as I felt the tears falling from my eyes and hastily wiped them away, frustrated that I was crying, again.

"Yeah, but Jesus, you didn't have to take this out on me, was your issue really with me smoking? I mean it could be worse, I could've been smoking weed or something." Dylan sighed and looked at the massacred cigarette and I sneered up at him.

"Oh wonderful, all you fucking care about is that I massacred your fucking cigarette! Screw you to!" I growled at him and stomped up the steps into our home, ignoring the pain, desperately needing to talk to Hershel now, more than ever.

I found him in his room, he was folding up a white dress and staring at a flask. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you Hershel, but we need to talk." I told him and held my ground even though he looked so sad.

"I'm sorry, but right now isn't the best time Destiny, can we talk another time?" He asked me sounding so defeated and crushed that it brought tears to my eyes.

How could I have been so selfish, I had been to soaked up into my own problems, that I haven't made sure that everyone else was all right. I walked into the room, right up to Hershel and just hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Hershel, I didn't take everyone else into Consideration, I was to blinded by my own pain, to see that everyone else was hurting as much as me, please talk, let me help." I pleaded with him, as I held him close, he was like the Grandfather I never had.

"Look here Des, even though you believe you were blinded by your pain, you are the strongest one here because you are here now, trying to help everyone through this hard time." He smiled at me and ran a hand through my hair.

"I believe you are the Strength, in your family and that you are the most Selfless person I have ever met. Never think for one moment, that you are a horrible person for needing time to yourself after what happened, everyone deals with this stuff, in their own ways." He told me as he put the flask down and shook his head.

"Hell, I was going to go to that bar in town if you hadn't come in here to talk to me, so you saved me from myself, thank you." He smirked at me and kissed my forehead.

"So what was it that you needed to talk to me about?" He asked me as we sat down on his bed and I sighed.

"This is going to sound completely selfish, but please hear me out Hersh." I asked him and took a deep breath readying myself to ask him this.

"I would really appreciate it, if you would allow the group to remain here, instead of making the whole group suffer for one or two Psycho's actions, make Shane and Andrea leave." I tried to reason with him and I looked up at him as I clenched and unclenched my hands.

"No, I will not allow these people to remain here, not after they killed all of our loved ones. They should be gone by tomorrow or the next day and that is that, you hear me." Hershel told me in his authoritative voice.

"Please Hershel, It's almost winter and I know that we can trust the rest of the group, just not Shane, Lori or Andrea." I hurried that part out and thought of what else to say.

"I like the rest of the group and Daryl, he is very good at protection and hunting. Rick he-" I was pleading all of the peoples cases, that I liked and I was interrupted By a finger in the face, from Hershel.

"All right, I will think about it, but I really am not comfortable about this. I am only agreeing because, it seems like this Daryl guy, seems to have pulled you out of blaming yourself." He informed me and I blushed.

"I will talk to Rick soon, they won't have to leave, but if they are to stay there are some new rules. IF they are to stay here and I want them To follow them." He told me as he rubbed his temple and let out a deep sigh.

"Otherwise they will be out On their asses, without so much as a backwards glance, do you understand, Des?" Hershel explained to me and I nearly screamed in joy right then and there.

I knew that this could work, if Shane, Andrea and Lori agreed to these terms and didn't screw it up for anyone else.

"All right, you can go and tell Daryl, I am sure he and his group will be glad to hear this." Hershel smiled and kissed my cheek, as he pushed me away and towards the door.

"Thank you Hershel, I swear that you won't regret this, I will talk to Daryl, Daryl will talk to Rick and Rick will talk to the Group. I love you and I Will never forget what you've done, for these people and I." I smiled and made my way down stairs to talk to Daryl.

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