Chapter 7: Profiled

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"You can't change your situation, the Only thing you can change is how you chose to deal with it." -Anna Kendrick

Destiny's POV:

These new people have been with us for roughly a week or so, Give or take and in the week or so, I have gotten to know them, I have figured each of them out.

I have started a good profile on each of them, Some are Useful, others are the Weak Links and very few of them, are Assets.

Rick(Leader, Useful), he seems like a fairly patient, kind and good leader. He is pretty Selfless, until it comes to his Family, then that is when he gets brutal.

Daryl(Bad-ass, Asset), this guy is beyond cool, knows how to defend himself, uses his Crossbow as if it were a second hand and underneath all the rudeness, was a truly wonderful man.

Glenn(Strategic, Useful), he is just someone who used to Deliver pizzas and make it in life. When the apocalypse hit, he had to finally put his mind to use, use all the strategizing he used for his video games, to help Rick and the Group out.

Carol(Tough Skin, Useful), she used to have an abusive husband, she was with him up till a month or so ago when he got bit and turned into a walker, leading to her happily killing him. Leaving her with just her Daughter, Sophia(too scared, Weak Link) and herself.

Dale(Overly Caring, Weak Link), he is a nice older guy, Kind of like Hershel, except far too caring for his own good. All of that caring was going to get him killed and that frustrates me.

Andrea(Suicidal, Weak Link), she looked like she could break at any second, though I don't really blame her, she lost everyone she held dear and was being forced to live.

I myself, would've just let her die, if that was what she truly wished to do, after all, she was just going to do more harm, than good.

Lori(Trouble Maker, Weak Link), She seemed nothing more than a common Bimbo, only difference was that she was a Bimbo Brunette, that NEVER watched her son and Slept with Shane. While supposedly thinking her Husband, Rick, was dead.

Carl(Parent Issues, Useful), Son to Lori and Rick. He seemed like a good kid, but he also seemed to have a chip on his shoulder.

I think, that he might have hung around that Shane guy, far too much. He is good with a gun and can efficiently take down walkers, so he was not a weak Link.

T-Dog(Strong, Useful), this guy is strong, but he tends to be so stupid and clumsy. He always seemed to be hurt, from his own mistakes and would probably end up a Walker in the near future.

Shane(Psycho, Weak Link), he was no good to the group, all he cared about was Lori and Carl. He looked Psycho, as if he would kill anyone that dared come between those two and him, even if it was his 'Best Friend', Rick.

He was NEVER to be trusted no matter the circumstance. I still think that he killed Otis, to save his own pathetic ass.

I couldn't dig deep enough, to try and get along with Shane and Andrea. They were both psychos in their own ways and I preferred to not be around them as much as possible.

I knew who I would save, if it came down to it and I knew who I would turn a blind eye to. I realize that, that may sound completely selfish or Cold but, that's just me.

"I-I don't know how to say this..." Lori sighed as she gripped her forehead looking worried and Rick rubbed her shoulders.

She interrupted my thoughts and everyone looked toward her and Rick.

"Lori is Pregnant, we have decided to keep our Child and we hope that you guys can accept that." Rick announced and I shook my head.

They are just BEGGING for trouble, who would have a kid in this kind of world, how selfish must you be! I thought that I was selfish, but Damn they take the cake.

"Wow, Congratulations I guess... But I have a few important questions before we celebrate, who is the Father and what the hell are we supposed to feed the Baby, when it is born?" I asked the two questions that no one was ever going to ask.

I heard various sounds of astonishment from everyone, Gasp, groan, chuckle and sigh.

"Destiny Jameson! How rude! Tell her your sorry right this min-" Mom was ordering me when Lori just held up a hand.

"It's okay, thank you though. To answer your question Destiny, I just figured that maybe, we would cross that bridge when we come to it." Lori brushed off my first question and answered my second one.

I did not miss the death glare from both of the Baby Daddies (Rick & Shane) and the soon-to-be mother, Lori. I chose to just brush It off, like she brushed off my valid question.

This just keeps getting better and better now doesn't it? We have a martyr, selfish bitch, that's pregnant, with the leaders child and is acting as if it's everyone's duty to just help her.

Well, she is no Lead Lady, I will only talk to Rick, no matter how childish it seems.


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