65. Kismet

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Four months later, and exactly two years after they first met, they married.
The wedding was witnessed by a large party of family and friends.
Jared had insisted that Tyler finish his education first. In the meantime, he had worked with Marcus to rebuild the practice.

Dancing in his husband's arms, Tyler admired his wedding ring.
"You married a teenager," he said, blaming. "So I was right when I called you an old pervert at our first meeting."
Jared grinned.
"The more you said it, the worse my fantasies got," he told Tyler, pulling him closer to himself.

His finger slid past Tyler's medallion hanging from the braided black cord.
"Our meeting was written in the stars."
Jared lost himself in Tyler's blue eyes.
Tyler nodded. "Kismet."

Their love destined to burn for a lifetime was sealed with a kiss.

Unfortunately, this is the end of the story. In all, about 370 pages.

Thank you for the journey you've made with Tyler. He is and will remain a sweetheart! (pinches cheek)

Please leave comments. As always, I am very curious about the opinions of my readers.

Also please check out 'Guard my Heart' for Tarek and Nathan's story.

xoxo Monkeybreath.

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