A Joyful New World

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Buffy was in labor.

This baby was coming right now. Thanks to one little injection those few more months of preparation that they were supposed to have had vanished. There would be no cabin surrounded by a protection spell, no birthing suite, and no more time to prepare herself to be a mom.

She was having this baby today.

Joy was coming into this world and Buffy was utterly terrified. 

Buffy gasped loudly as another contraction hit her causing her knees to crumble while Damon merely continued to remain frozen, unsure of what the hell to do. But what was one supposed to do when your best friend/ woman you loved suddenly had her pregnancy magically speed up, so her child could be handed over to a lunatic immortal who had been a rock for two thousand years to be sacrificed in order destroy The Other Side?


There wasn't one!

Damon had no idea what the hell he was supposed to do!

"Damon." Buffy groaned as the contraction passed "I think...I'm in labor."

Damon groaned at her words and leaned over, honestly, he was feeling his own case of morning sickness occurring right now "I'm gonna be sick."

Buffy's eyes widened as she clutched onto her knees taking deep breaths "Ah hello! Help!"

"Right." Damon muttered quickly re-focusing though he couldn't help but feel his face go slightly green at the way she was gasping. A baby was going to fly out of her fun box! What if he was there when it happened?


He had planned to be in Cuba when her due date approached for a damn reason!

He didn't know anything about delivering babies, but he knew one thing. He had to get her off this damn island before the baby was born. He had to get her away from Silas.

The problem?

Buffy would die if Bonnie wasn't there for the labor, they had literally spent months preparing a very specific plan for this delivery because of how dangerous it was.

He needed to find Bonnie, but he couldn't let Buffy stay on this island with Caleb still around and Silas possibly being woken up.

"I will go get Rebekah. Stay here." As much as he detested the idea of working with Rebekah, the fact of the matter was when it came to this baby, nothing would stop the entire Mikaelson clan from protecting it and putting it above their own lives.

Even The Cure.

If it came down to it, Rebekah would give up The Cure to make sure Buffy and the baby were okay.

Buffy just shot him a murderous glare as she leaned against a tree, her fingers digging into the bark as another contraction hit her full force "Can't exactly move Damon!"

Damon winced, it was safe to say Buffy in labor was the scariest version of her he had ever seen "Right, shit!"

Without hesitation, he sped back into the caves, his eyes quickly landing on a now stirring Rebekah. Rushing over, he yanked the last of the wood out of her back before tapping her face, urging her to hurry the hell up with her morning wake-up routine "Sexy Bex, time to get moving. We ain't got all day."

Rebekah groaned in agony as the last wooden spike was yanked out of her back.

She was going to tear that Hunter apart!

As she stumbled up to her feet toward the entrance to the caves below, Damon quickly blocked her path, his blue eyes swimming with panic "Your niece is about to be born!"

Sure enough, that did the trick.

Rebekah froze.

Slowly her blue eyes flashed with confusion before she started shaking her head. That wasn't possible. Buffy wasn't even 7 months pregnant yet! They were over two months away from her going into labor. 

Buffy could not be going into labor this early.

"What?" She hissed, her eyes flashing dangerously.

If this was another one of his tricks to stop her from getting The Cure so he could give it to his brother, she was going to tear his throat out and then toss him at Klaus so he could die a slow agonizing death from werewolf venom. Buffy going into a very possibly fatale early labor was not a joke.

Giving birth this early without all of their carefully laid out plans would certaintly end both Buffy's and her niece's life.

Their chances of survival would plummet tenfold.

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