Tough Love

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"Why didn't you tell me?"

At the dreaded question that she knew was coming, Elena couldn't help but sigh as she leaned in the passenger seat of Buffy's car, clutching onto her seatbelt as though her life depended on it. 

Which, with Buffy driving, it probably did.

This was the first time Buffy had really spoken to her since the whole compulsion argument, and Elena didn't want to screw it up.

Which was almost impossible given the topic of The Cure for Buffy's memories.

Yes, they had all originally agreed to keep the cure a secret because Buffy had made it clear that she had no interest in remembering, now it was different. 

In the past few weeks, Buffy had been the one bringing up the past, being more open to discussing the memories she had lost.

Plus at the end of the day, Buffy needed to decide if she wanted her memories back or not.

"I'm sorry." Elena told her honestly "It's just at first when you said you didn't want your memories back, we figured that it wouldn't hurt to have the cure if you changed your mind...I should have told you there was a cure." 

Spotting Buffy's expression change subtly that was when it clicked in Elena's mind. 

This sudden questioning wasn't just about the fact that Stefan had found the was Buffy trying to figure out if she wanted to take it or not.

Elena sighed before something occurred to her. She had expected Buffy's reaction to the cure to be closed off, she had not wanted it, yet Buffy was curious.

"Do you want the cure?"

It was like an elephant had been dropped into the car the second the question left Elena's lips. 

Buffy couldn't help but bite her lip as her hands tightened around the steering wheel.

Honestly, the more visions she had the more she had started to consider how viable the option of the cure was. Especially if it meant the flashes stopped. Yet, the biggest push towards the cure was a certain evil hybrid hoping to be her husband.


Her memories might be able to help her figure out a plan to defeat him. To remind her of all the reasons she didn't trust him.

She needed something to separate Klaus and Nik in her mind.

Though, while she would deny it her body was itching to know more about how her life had been with Stefan.

And then there was also the issue with Damon.

The flash she had right after he kissed her just revealed just how much about their past she was missing. 

Learning about Caroline and how bad it had been just made her feel sick. She had kissed Damon, the guy who had tormented her baby God-sister.

The visions had only shown her so much about her life in Mystic Falls, and the more consistent the visions grew the more curious she had started to become.

It was a whole year of her life missing, not just a couple of days. She had built a whole life in that year.

Yet still, despite her curiosity, there was a part of her terrified to even consider it.

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