Such A Night

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Making her way down the halls of the Salvatore Boarding house, Elena stopped in the doorway to one of the many bedrooms.

The room Rebekah had claimed as her own when Elena had reluctantly invited her in.

She had wanted a space to get ready for the homecoming dance, so Buffy had happily led Rebekah to the room she used to use as a training room.

The friendship forming between Buffy and Rebekah had Elena concerned.

Watching as Rebekah admired the red dress Buffy had helped her pick, Elena cleared her throat, announcing her presence to the Original.

"Getting a head start, huh?"

Rebekah paused, glancing at Elena through the mirror before a shy smile covered her face. 
Turning away from the mirror she faced the brunette, a slight blush of pink filling her cheeks "Embarrassing truth, this is my first college party."

That had Elena stumped for a moment.

It was strange to see someone over a thousand years old actually experiencing a first. She would have guessed Rebekah had gone through High School and College hundreds of times like Stefan.


"I never really had time for high school or college before." Rebekah shrugged an exhausted look filling her eyes.

She hated admitting that missing those experiences upset her. More than anything she had craved a normal life, to live and fall in love as a human but her family's constant need to run from Mikael had never allowed her time to really live.

Buffy had been right in her assessment about that.

Living on the run was not really living. It was just running in an endless spiral, never able to grow or change.

Just stuck for centuries, repeating the same cycle over and over.

"Nik and I were always moving around. Running. Anyway, I didn't want to leave anything to chance." Spotting the sympathetic look on Elena's face, Rebekah quickly deflected "Where's Buffy? I wanted her to see her success, plus she asked if she could borrow these." 

Elena chuckled as Rebekah picked up the stunning pink high heel shoes from the bed that she was planning to lend to Buffy.

They were definitely Buffy's type, the two blondes seemed to have a similar love for fashion.

"Talking to Stefan." Elena answered, taking another step into the room, trying to hide her nervous shaky hands.

Rebekah could only laugh in amusement, she was going to have a field day teasing Buffy about that during the dance. The way Buffy would get awkward and blush when talking about Stefan was thoroughly amusing.

"Fun, can't wait to hear all the details from her later."

Elena's face fell at the comment knowing that later wouldn't be an option for Rebekah.

Not noticing the tension in Elena's face or the planning look in her eye, Rebekah turned back to the mirror. As she looked at the beautiful dress she was wearing she couldn't help but think about the events that would transpire tonight.

Tonight her brother would be dead.

The brother she had spent a thousand years with.

"Have you heard any more from him?"

"No." Elena answered hesitantly, she could hear the uncertainty in Rebekah's voice "But I'm sure when he does return he'll do it with flair."

Rebekah just nodded as she continued to keep her focus on Elena through the mirror "And Damon, Buffy, and my father are all set with their plan?"

Guilt was radiating from Rebekah, hesitance, and regret.

It worried Elena.

All it would take was one moment for Rebekah to change her mind and warn Klaus. At the end of the day Klaus was still her big brother and she obviously still loved him.

If Rebekah saw him, Elena knew she wouldn't be able to go through with the plan.

And that was a problem.


Rebekah winced slightly at the answer, almost like the reality of the situation was finally hitting her. Breaking eye contact with the brunette, Rebekah glanced down at her hands nervously. She had made her decision when she asked Buffy to get vengeance for her mother's murder, but it didn't stop the ache forming in her heart.

"Don't tell me. I don't want to know. I just want to go to the dance and leave the rest to Mikael and Marianna."

Wiping away the tears before they could fall, she refocused on getting ready for the dance. Grabbing her bracelet from the side table, she clipped it onto her wrist.

As Rebekah continued to try and focus on anything other than her brother's fate, Elena took in a nervous breath, taking another step closer to the blonde "I know it's really hard, so thank you for helping us get Klaus back into town."

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