One Of A Kind

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One Hour.

It had been officially over an hour since Buffy and Elena had un-daggered Elijah, yet he had still yet to move.

Watching the Original's still unmoving body, Buffy rolled her eyes as she continued to twirl the dagger in her hands "Jeez, is he gonna sleep the decade away?" She snarked, tapping the metal blade against her palm impatiently.

It felt like they had been here for years, just waiting for any sign of movement from the suit-clad Original.

Elena giggled softly as she continued to rest her head on the blonde's shoulder, struggling to keep her eyes open.

Unlike Buffy, Elena was not used to living on barely two hours of sleep, her body was practically screaming at her to close her eyes and crash.

However, despite Buffy's impatience and Elena's tiredness, both girls jumped up as Elijah gasped, his body twisting and contorting violently into different positions.

Quickly moving away from her cousin, Buffy rushed over and pinned Elijah back down to the floor, trying to hold him still. She couldn't risk him making too much noise, if Stefan or Damon found out about this, there would be so much yelling.

They didn't have time to argue about this.

Struggling against his strength, Buffy placed her knee against his chest holding him there just as his eyes slammed open in panic.

It was taking every inch of her strength to not go flying like a rag doll.

Elena quickly rushed over trying to calm the Original so he didn't accidentally kill Buffy "Elijah." She whispered soothingly.

Elijah froze as he stared between both women, his eyes widening in disbelief at the familiar faces "Katerina! Marianna!"

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"This party is dull, even for my taste." Marianna moaned as she and Elijah stood side by side, watching the humans flock around their home. The witch was quickly growing sick of these festivities that Niklaus threw for himself, they were nothing more than another way for him to boost his already swollen ego.

"Don't fret Mari." Elijah assured his younger sister as he picked the glass of wine from her hands and places it down on one of the many tables. "Once Niklaus has decided that his ego had been filled for the night, we will all be free of this torture."

Marianna smiled in amusement before looping her arm through his, allowing him to lead her through the ballroom.

As they made their way through the crowds of people Marianna's eyes widened and a bright smile covered her face as she spotted a familiar face moving towards her.

She called as she stepped away from her brother and over to the young vampire kissing his cheeks softly "How is Rose-Marie?"

Trevor smiled at the 500-year-old witch "She is well, although she hopes to see you again soon."

"Tell her I'll try to make an appearance before we leave England."

Trevor grinned at her before turning to Elijah bowing slightly.

"Good, afternoon Trevor." Elijah said politely "I am pleased you could join us."

"I could not miss the birthday celebration."

"No, considering the gift you claim to bear."

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