Highway To Hell (2)

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Buffy was alive.

Feeling her knees buckle, Elena dropped down onto the couch, unable to keep herself standing as she listened to Stefan explain what had gone down at Buffy's grave tonight.

Elena was completely paralyzed.

She just couldn't believe it but at the same time, one look at Stefan's expression and she knew they weren't lying.

Buffy was alive and she was out there alone...with Klaus.

"She's alive?" Jeremy sputtered from beside his sister, tears filling his eyes, too scared to dare hope that this was true.

This was all so insane.

It had been 147 days since they lost Buffy and now she was back.

How could this even be possible?

Bonnie who was sitting beside Caroline and Alaric looked up, her eyes filled with horror.

There was only one way that someone could pull off a resurrection spell without ancestral magic.

 "The Urn of Osiris."

"What?" Elena whispered.

Without answering Elena, Bonnie stood from her seat, beginning to pace back and forth as she shook her head in a panicked state.

This was not good.

The magic used for that kind of spell was pure darkness.

But then again, she knew this might be a possibility she was just hoping that it wouldn't happen.

It wasn't that she didn't want Buffy back, she did, but magic like that always came with a price.

Feeling everyone watching her, the young witch sighed in defeat, she had to tell them what Willow had been planning "Willow called me a month after Buffy died."

Taking in a deep breath Bonnie reluctantly looked over at distraught Jeremy and Elena who were watching her like hawks "She found a potential way to resurrect Buffy."

Caroline frowned in confusion "Is that even possible? To bring someone back from the dead without vampire blood."

There was a difference between using the power of a hundred dead witches to bring someone back minutes after death and resurrecting someone who had been dead in the ground for months.


Damon let out a breath as he stared at the witch in disbelief.

If she had known about a way to bring Buffy why hadn't they done it sooner?

Ideally, before they buried her six feet underground five months ago!

"And you didn't mention this because..."

"Because it's a strong spell." Bonnie explained "It causes the witch who casts it to go into the depths of darkness, it's the type of spell Mary would do. But Willow wanted to do it, but to do it she needed to find the last remaining Urn of Osiris but...it was missing, we were going to search for it but it was just gone...we didn't think Klaus had it."

Running his hand through his hair, Stefan inhaled tightly, his worry for Buffy's state of mind growing by the second. They needed to know exactly what this spell had done to Buffy, so they could help her.

Alaric beat him to the punch though "I've heard of Osiris, he's the keeper of the Gate."

Elena frowned in confusion.

What did that mean?

"The Gate?"

Alaric took a deep breath, a heavy look crossing his face making him look twice the age he was "The Keeper of the Gate between our world and Hell."

At his words, Elena let out a harsh gasp, horror filling her as the reality of the situation hit her. 

This was worse than she could have ever imagined. Her sister had been suffering in Hell for who knows how long.

It could have been minutes, weeks, months possibly decades, they had no way of knowing how long it had been for Buffy.

Stefan took in a deep breath, the horror evident on his face as well. That explained why she was so scared.

She was traumatized and confused.

 "We need to find her, which means...we need to find Klaus."

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