The Gentleman and The Promise

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Klaus had asked her on a date.

An actual date!

The one thing he had wanted to make up for the fact that she had revealed the truth about their child was a freakin date. It was insane! Of all the things he could have demanded, a date had not been what she had been expecting. 

He wanted a real date, hence why when she had tried to suggest that this trip to Williamsburg counted, he had bluntly pulled out a dictionary and explained what a date was.

Klaus could be such a pain in the ass.

Just as he pulled over his car in front of the familiar diner, Buffy felt her hands starting to shake violently as her nerves skyrocketed.

Today was the day, Klaus was going to meet Sandra.

After years of protecting Sandra from all things Mystic Falls-related, Buffy was literally about to introduce her to The Great Evil, Klaus Mikaelson.

Klaus frowned as he spotted Buffy's hands starting to shake violently. He knew she was worried about this meeting. He had heard her in her room all night pacing back and forth, not resting for even a moment.

Given how fast her heart was beating he could sense how petrified about this she was.

Everything about Williamsburg held a special place in her heart.

This was the one place away from her Supernatural life.

The one person left in this world that allowed Buffy a sense of normalcy.

Yet, today that sense of normalcy was about to be tainted.


"Please don't." Buffy cut him off, her voice barely above a whisper as she desperately tried to summon her courage. As much as she hated the idea of bringing a Mikaelson directly to Sandra's front door, it was ironically the safest option. She knew Sandra well enough to know that if this introduction didn't happen, Sandra would be on the first bus to Mystic Falls.

Buffy would not let Sandra or her family get infected by the poison that was Mystic Falls.

"She doesn't know. About the supernatural. She is a mother, she has children and grandchildren." She whispered before turning her green eyes to focus on Klaus "You are going to be a father, with a child. So anything she says to you, you focus on the fact she is defending me. Her daughter. If you let your ego break out and threaten her...I will rip your heart out."

Klaus was a short-tempered, depressive, paranoid man filled with an intense amount of fear. He had no impulse control and chronic anger issues.

He literally had the world's worst temper.

If he lost his temper around Sandra, she was dumping him in a coffin at the bottom of the ocean.

Klaus clenched his jaw tightly at her blunt words, his instinct to snap digging at the surface but hearing Buffy threaten him and seeing the water brimming in her forest green eyes had him biting the inside of his cheek.

Forcing the impulse to yell down.

"I will not touch her. I give you my word."

Quickly wiping away the tears from her eyes, Buffy clenched her eyes shut for a moment before finally allowing her eyes to shift back to the now much larger diner.

Sandra had officially expanded her business.

"You are not The Klaus Mikaelson today, who has slaughtered all enemies and calls himself a king. Today you are going to be a normal pain in the ass, who will suck it up and play nice."

Klaus chuckled before climbing out of the car. In an instant, he was opening the passenger door for Buffy who stepped out and rolled her eyes as she spotted him playfully holding out his hand.

"You knocked me up, you are not my boyfriend."

"I am a thousand years old-"

"Old man." Buffy chimed.

"I would never lesser myself to be called a boyfriend. It is a pitiful world."

"And stuck up."

Klaus groaned in annoyance before moving to walk by Buffy's side as the pair of them made their way toward the diner with a glowing orange neon sign hanging over the top "If our child comes out of your womb spewing sarcastic retorts, I will blame you."

Buffy just grinned smugly "Oh this kid is going to be a mini-me. Rest assured."

Just the idea of two Buffys running around making fun of him for all of eternity had Klaus shivering in slight horror.

It was fair to say that if this child ended up with their mother's sharp tongue, Kol was going to be thoroughly amused.

He would likely bond with the child just so that someone else in the family mocked Klaus.

God, he was not looking forward to Kol finding out he had gotten Buffy pregnant.

Klaus had purposely told Marianna and Elijah not to mention the pregnancy to Kol for a reason. He had no idea desire to be mocked and tortured by his little brother who would see this as a hilarious form of karma, especially once he clicked that the child was to be a witch.

All thoughts of Kol's torturous antics were put on hold for a moment as Buffy pushed open the door to the diner.

Instantly, the stress washed off of Buffy, her shoulders relaxing as she let the feel of the diner invade her soul. Instantly, loud giggles escaped her as she was scooped off her feet into a massive hug.

As Nate, Sandra's youngest son continued to spin her around like she was nothing more than a teddy bear, Buffy couldn't stop giggling.

It seemed like the entire Ling-May clan was here to meet Klaus.

The whole family had signed up for interrogating the person who had gotten her pregnant and it was kind of hilarious.

Hearing a small growl, Buffy rolled her eyes before glaring back at Klaus "Dude, it's a hug, look it up. Plus, Nate couldn't squish me if he tried."

Nate barked out a laugh as he placed her back on her feet before throwing an arm around her shoulder "Not my fault you are on steroids or an alien. I still say you are here to learn about our species then invade."

Given that Nate was the tallest and most muscled out of all of his siblings and he had still yet to beat Buffy in an arm wrestle, it was safe to say the whole family was pretty certain that Buffy was a science experiment or an alien sent to learn about their human ways.

Buffy rolled her eyes before slapping his shoulder "I am not an alien, quit telling people that. The only alien here is you."

Nate shoved her lightly before glancing back to where his three brothers were standing behind him, all of them focused on one thing with narrowed eyes.


It was safe to say that given all four men were over 6 feet and built like trucks, they made a very intimidating group. If looks could send something straight to hell it was safe to say, Klaus would be one burning little dog.

However, as intimidating as the group of brothers was, there was no threat to the one and only Klaus Mikaelson.

Buffy sighed as she spotted Klaus grinning over at the other three men, almost smugly. She could see that desire to launch into a massive speech about how he was the most powerful man on the planet bubbling in his eyes.

Men were such idiots.

"Enough with the testosterone boys." Buffy warned before making her way over to the other three brothers.

Given that Mark was the only one that lived in Williamsburg, she was closer to him but when Nate, Justin, and Andrew visited for holidays, it was always such a riot.

Her first Fourth of July in Williamsburg had been intense.

She had still been grieving, barely leaving her apartment outside of work and slaying only for the four boys to show up and kidnap her. They had literally carried her out of her studio and forced her toward the party.

They had forced her to have a good time and she would forever be eternally grateful for it.

Nate rolled his eyes "That hurts Annie. I come all the way from Spain to defend your drunken mess-"

Buffy launched a throw pillow from one of the booths at his face before flipping him off and quickly hugging each brother one by one.

Klaus quirked a curious brow at the nickname, before focusing his gaze back on the future mother of his child who was been passed around the three giants like a stuffed animal, all of them getting in their moment of having their sort of sister back in town.

"Annie?" He teased, a playful smirk grazing his lips.

Andrew groaned "Ugh, he's English? Seriously Annie? How plastered were you?"

"Never thought you would lose it for the accent, man." Justin added.

Buffy sighed "Shut it." She warned them all before allowing her eyes to scan the newly painted green room. Sandra had really gone out with the new design of the diner after buying out next door. The whole place had been completely redecorated.

Then again, Sandra redecorated every few years when she got bored.

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