Nothing Like A Fairytale

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The Scythe.

Buffy couldn't take her eyes off the weapon as her body practically vibrated in excitement. This was the energy she had been feeling since the second that she landed on this hellish island, what her body had been leading her toward. Shane had said that she and the baby were a compass toward Silas and The Cure, but that was clearly another one of his two-faced lies.

She hadn't sought out The Cure or Silas...she had sought out her weapon. 

The red weapon practically glowed like it had its own spotlight, it was the most beautiful thing Buffy had ever seen. It just oozed power and given how much her daughter was kicking right now, she was pretty sure the baby agreed.

This was her weapon...and one day it would be her daughters.

With a small smile on her face, Buffy took a step forward only to halt as a familiar voice echoed from behind her.

"You found it. Not impressed." Caleb taunted with a smirk as he took a step forward trying to intimidate her.

Yet...he wasn't rushing at her.

He was keeping a fair distance from her as she stood right next to the stone still entrapping the weapon. The flash of fear in his eyes and the way his shoulders were tensing nervously had Buffy letting out a small breath.

He was scared of this weapon.

Scared of her getting her hands on it, which just made her want it all the more.

"Cause the question now, girlie girl is can you pry it from solid rock before I come over there and—"

Without hesitation, Buffy wrapped her fingers around the black handle near the axe and with little to no effort, she pulled the Scythe from the stone.

Like King Arthur and Excalibur.

A rush spread through her body, all the way from her fingertips to her toes as a sense of belonging sparked through her veins. She could feel it in her bones, this belonged to her.

 It had been made for her.

Caleb's eyes widened in panic and he chuckled nervously as he watched the Slayer admire her new weapon.

He had to admit he hadn't been expecting that.


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Holding the Scythe tightly, Buffy continued to stare at her new shiny weapon, her fingers stroking the smooth metal as power hummed through her veins. 

The fact that Caleb for the first time looked panicked, just made this weapon all the better.

The fear in his eyes had her holding the weapon tighter.

"Now before you go hurtin' yourself with that thing, who don't you do yourself a courtesy and hand it over now?"

Buffy tilted her head and watched him closely, he was still keeping his distance, his fearful eyes glued to the weapon in her hands. He was scared, and right now given he had killed her father she was enjoying his fear a hell of a lot "Yeah? You want it?" She taunted, twirling the scythe slightly threatening him, so ready to gut him like a fish.

Even if she didn't kill him today...she was going to kill him.

Painfully and brutally.

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