The Harsh Light Of Truth

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Buffy's 21st Birthday.

It was official, Buffy was finally of legal drinking age, which meant the girls were determined to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Given the history, Elena was determined to break the cycle of bad birthdays Buffy had.

15. Her parents had forgotten and the next day she had been called as The Slayer.

16. Her first Watcher had been brutally murdered in front of her and she got arrested for burning down the Hemery High School gym.

17. Angel became Angelus.

19. Giles was turned into a demon and Buffy almost ended up killing him.

20. Buffy was literally dying from the visions of her old life and had to save Elena from Glory. Plus, Buffy got stabbed saving her too.

Elena smiled as she carefully placed the 21st birthday candle on top of Buffy's cake, she hadn't stopped smiling since she woke up this morning. Yes, this first week of living together again had been awkward, given that she and Buffy were still not as close as they used to be, but the fact that Buffy had moved back in felt like a massive step forward.

Even if Buffy had declared that she was only moving in to keep her alive before disappearing for a vodka and ice cream movie night with Bonnie.

It was still good to have her home.

And now that Jeremy should be coming home too, the three of them would be together again.

The timing was just perfect.

Elena and Jeremy had already missed Buffy's 19th birthday and her 20th had ended in disaster, she refused to miss another one, and she would give her life to make sure this was Buffy's best birthday yet.

No boyfriend turning into a soulless monster, no Watcher's Council test, no Watcher turning into a demon, and No Hell Goddess.

Just a normal girly birthday with cake, presents, and tequila...well at least the first two.

Tequila would have been involved but Buffy had pulled out of the trip to Denver to get Jeremy so she could help find this stake...which was probably the only thing on the planet that could kill her.

Buffy wasn't exactly jumping to have her heart ripped out as a test to see if that could kill her.

"Happy happy birthday!" She exclaimed as she stormed into Buffy's door.

Without knocking.

Buffy groaned.

Clearly, nothing had changed in the Gilbert house.

"Knocking." Buffy grumbled as she buried her face in the mess of throw pillows "Look it up in a dictionary. Just a thought."

Elena snorted "I have a better idea." She argued before turning to glance at the bathroom door where Caroline and Bonnie were hiding with balloons and party hats "Get her."

The order cued Buffy to peak up, beyond confused by her words only to let out a small scream as Bonnie and Caroline appeared and leaped up onto her bed jumping up and down like little kids.

Buffy laughed loudly as she watched her best friends badly start singing happy birthday at the top of their lungs.

They were such goofballs sometimes.

She had to admit though, despite the fact there was a stake out there that could kill them all, she hadn't been this happy in ages.

"We have presents!" Caroline yelled as she jumped down to sit beside Buffy, making sure to put a pink fluffy crown on her head while Bonnie threw confetti in the air before revealing the tray of mimosas hidden on the floor "And legal drinks!"

"Plus, breakfast birthday cake." Elena finished as she placed the cake down on the dresser before jumping onto the bed as well.

The four of them were hanging out together again.

The unholy foursome.

Buffy smiled brightly, trying not to giggle as Bonnie handed her a mimosa.

This was an awesome way to wake up!

Once all four girls had a drink, only one of them legally able to be drinking, Caroline raised her glass in celebration "To being back together again the four of us." She toasted with a happy smile as they all raised their glasses.

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