An Apocalyptic Return

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Elena couldn't help but huff as she shut the front door behind her. 

Somehow despite all of the supernatural drama with the Gilbert Device and Damon almost being burnt alive, the normal human drama didn't just vanish.

Not only had someone stolen her clothes from the dressing room at the Lockwoods but now she couldn't get ahold of Buffy.

Caroline was in the hospital and Buffy still had no idea.

The fact that Buffy wasn't answering her phone or even responding to her beeper had Elena panicked. She knew the plane had landed safely, hell she had practically kept the tracking app open from the second the flight took off.

The fact that Buffy was on the Hellmouth about to deal with the end of the world and not responding had her worrying.

What if Buffy was hurt?

What the hell was going on?

Today had just completely gone to hell.

Everything that could have possibly gone wrong...had gone wrong.

Tossing her car keys on the side table by the door, Elena started to re-dial Buffy's number as she moved over to the staircase.

At least she could know for a fact that Jeremy hadn't been attacked by some demon or died.

"Jeremy?!" She called "Are you up?"

Nothing but silence.

Elena groaned at the silent treatment from her brother. Jeremy wasn't talking to her and Buffy was about to dive head-first into battle.

At this rate from all of her stress and worry when it came to the two of them...she was going to start getting grey hair way too young.

Met again with Buffy's voicemail, Elena growled in frustration only to jump in shock as a loud clatter from the kitchen caused her to tense up.

If there was one benefit to living with a Slayer, it was that there were literally weapons hidden all over the house.

Without hesitation, Elena reached under the painting hung up by the door, and grabbed the hunting knife that Buffy had tapped there.

Thank God for Buffy's sense of paranoia!

Clutching the blade tightly in her shaky hand, Elena swallowed her fear and carefully began moving toward the kitchen.

Please be Jenna....please be Jenna.

Hell at this rate she would be happy to see John.

But given the bad luck their family had...she very much doubted it was a friendly face in the kitchen.

Raising the blade she peaked around the corner only to walk in on the most horrifying sight she had possibly ever seen.

Which was saying a lot given recent events.

John Gilbert collapsed on the ground lying in a pool of his own blood. A gaping hole in his stomach and four of his fingers missing.

"Oh my god!" Elena gasped as she quickly rushed over to him, immediately grabbing a cloth and placing it on his stomach which was bleeding profusely.

It honestly looked like someone had pulled apart his flesh with their bare fingers.

As she kept the pressure on the wound, she used her free hand to pull her cell phone back out. 

She dialed 911.

Despite, being barely conscious John gasped in terror as he spotted the figure lingering behind his daughter.

"Behind you!"

Hunting blade back in her hand, Elena spun around only to gulp in terror. The room looked empty...which just made her all the more petrified.

Pushing herself up onto shaky legs, Elena clutched the blade tightly with her blood-soaked hands and cautiously made her way down the hall.

There was a swift breeze behind her.

Elena jumped letting out a small gasp as she spun around swinging the blade with her.

She really needed to get Buffy to teach her how to wield a weapon properly in their next training session.

There was another sharp breeze behind her before the front door slammed shut with a violent thud.

The sudden sound caused a loud scream to escape the terrified teenager.

Watching the now-closed front door, Elena gulped before her eyes widened in terror as she remembered who else was in the house.



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