The Miracle Of Goodbye

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Klaus was being an asshole.

Since the second they started dancing, Klaus had kept glancing over to where Caroline and Tyler were dancing, trying to enjoy their reunion after months apart.

The second Tyler finally left the dance in a huff, Buffy shot a glare at Klaus.

"You done torturing Tyler?" Buffy hissed "Is this whole alpha male thing just compensating for other things?" She snarked as he placed his hand on her lower back, trying to ignore the tingles that rushed through her skin at the feel of his palm pressing her closer.

Klaus scoffed "I don't have to prove anything love, I am the alpha male."

"No, I'm an're the swine I get to kick to the curb."

Instead of snapping at her or losing his temper, Klaus just shook his head in amusement. Even when she was insulting him she had a way with words. Spinning her out, he couldn't help but grin as she let out a small laugh before he pulled her back into his arms.

Despite their difference, Buffy had always loved to dance.

It shook her out of whatever state she was in.

"You would have loved the 1920s Buffy." He whispered in her ear, ignoring the glaring eyes from Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes.

If anything the fact that they were worried about leaving Buffy to speak to him alone was a good thing.

It meant that they were worried about how close the two of them were growing.

With every passing encounter, Buffy and Klaus continued to feel more drawn to each other, their similarities helping them bond and connect with their differences making every conversation a battle of wits.

There was never a dull moment between them.

Nothing would ever be predictable.

"Girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally used to dance till they dropped." He teased laughing softly.

As they moved around the dance floor in perfect sync, Klaus couldn't help but admire her.

She looked stunning.

And as much as Buffy hated to admit it, Klaus did look damn good in a suit.

It was infuriating.

Stupid hormones!

Trying not to focus on his good looks, Buffy forced herself to focus on the other people around them "How long do we have to dance before you drop?"

"I can keep up with you all day." Klaus teased right back causing her to fight back an amused grin as he continued to swing them both side to side before taking in a shaky breath.

He had to admit...he was nervous.

He never knew how Buffy would react and not knowing was rare for him.

"I want to ask you something."

The sudden seriousness of his voice caused Buffy to frown in confusion and pull back slightly. Not enough to pull her body away from his but so she could see his face clearly, which was dangerously close to her own.

"I'm not gonna take you for a walk pup." She snarked making him smile slightly before he carefully placed his thumb on her chin and tilted her face so she could look at him fully.

The second he touched her so intimately, Buffy froze.


She could barely catch her breath.

Why did his eyes have to be so alluring and confusing?

"I'm leaving Buffy." He admitted "Your map, the one marked with every art gallery in the world...a plan you have been putting off and will do so for decades until Elena is safe. I want you to start crossing spots off your list."

The air evaporated out of Buffy's lungs and she was unable to do anything but stare up at him with a dazed expression. Her heart was pounding rapidly, her chest was flushing and her hands were starting to shake in his hold.

No, no, no.

This couldn't be happening.

He couldn't be about to do this, to ask her to escape this town with him.

Spotting her intrigue but obvious hesitation, Klaus just squeezed her chin softly "I'm leaving tomorrow Buffy, you know I will take Elena with me."

Buffy's hand automatically tightened around his palm, breaking several of the bones.

Klaus groaned in pain before pushing on, he had expected her to break some bones at the mention of Elena "You may not think you have a choice, but I think you do...I want you to come with us. I will make sure Elena is safe. I have found a town, untouched by the supernatural and I can ensure she has a safe normal life. She'll live happily somewhere where she is protected away from this town. She will have constant protection and you? You can see the world. Let me show you what the world has to offer. You are an artist my dear, one who should be able to go out there and explore."

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