Burning To The Ground

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Sandra's birthday party was in full swing.

As expected Sandra was the life of the party. Dancing on top of the bar with two of her waitresses to 'Devil Went Down to Georgia' much to her children's dismay.

Out of her three sons, only Mark had stayed. Though given the shade of green on his face as he watched his mother he was close to bolting too.

Despite the loud music and energy around her, Buffy, who was helping Mark set up more food was stuck in her own head. She had been muddling through her thoughts about a certain witch.


She just couldn't get what Isobel had said about Mary out of her head.

Not only had the witch been stalking her for years which was concerning enough, but the fact that she felt the need to keep an eye on her, just made this mysterious Prophecy all the more intriguing.

Honestly, the fact that Mary had this big plan for her that she knew nothing about made her feel sick.

Buffy hadn't had the best luck with destiny and Prophecies in the past and she sure as hell didn't want that bad luck to continue.

"When you do learn the truth when you find out what you're destined for... what Mary's leading you to...I hope I'm there to see it."

As Isobel's words continued to swirl through her brain Buffy was promptly yanked out of her spinning thoughts as Mark nudges her. Looking over, Buffy giggled as she spotted him using a menu as a shield for his eyes.

"My mother is doing a belly shot off our mailman."

Buffy burst out in laughter and ended up doubling over as she clutched her stomach. She didn't know what was funnier, Sandra licking salt off the mailman's chest or Mark's horrified expression. 

Shooting her glare, Mark tossed some pie at her face but it did nothing to lessen the laughter.

This was probably the most Buffy had laughed in years!

Shaking his head in exhaustion, Mark just gestured over to his mother who had somehow managed to get behind the bar. The second she grabbed a bottle of tequila, panic rushed through him.

He needed to get the hell out of here. 

"I'm leaving before I start digging a hole to crawl into and die."

Buffy smiled in amusement before tapping his shoulder "Go I'll cover for you."

Mark sighed in relief and quickly kissed her cheek before grabbing his jacket.

Buffy had never seen him move so fast.

"Get her home safe?"

The request caused Buffy to purposely glance back over to where Sandra was lining up a tray of shots. That woman had more energy than anyone else in this room.

"Pretty sure I will pass out long before she does. But ill try."

With that, Mark bolted out the door like the wind.

Not a second after the door slammed shut behind him, Sandra bolted over to Buffy with the tray of shots.

"Annie!" She screamed happily as she threw an arm around Buffy's waist "I just wanted to say your impersonation...of an inanimate object is really coming along. But seriously, come party."

Buffy chuckled slightly as Sandra tried to force a shot into her hands "You do remember I'm underage right?"

Sandra just waved off the statement "I'll give you some of my years, I got plenty to go around! Now get off your cute little butt, stop thinking about your problems, and party."

As Sandra placed a cowboy hat on her head, Buffy giggled but allowed herself to be pulled toward the dance floor "You're a grandmother."

"Yeah, I'm the favorite! This Grams can still do a keg stand! I am amazing!"


After carrying Sandra home and making sure she had some aspirin and water, Buffy finally found herself on the road back to Mystic Falls just a few hours later.

Technically the party had kept going till about 5 am. 

Glancing over at the passenger seat she sighed as she spotted the collection of research papers on the Jha cult Billy had managed to get for her.

He was definitely more useful than Willy when it came to finding information quickly.

Spotting an incoming call, Buffy smiled and quickly answered, switching the phone onto speaker before she tossed it onto the dashboard.

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