No Such Thing As Coincidences

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Another sleepless night.

Something that had been becoming a common occurrence for the Vampire Slayer.

Yet despite her single hour of sleep, Buffy found herself in a fabulous mood as she drove to the Salvatore Boarding house.

Today was Saturday, which meant no school.

Today was also the day that she and Stefan were going to see Four Star Mary in Richmond.

Damon had not shown his face in days. There had been no bodies drained of blood and Caroline was finally happy again.

Yet despite the past few days of silence Buffy was still worried. Hence why she had her phone propped up on the dashboard as she spoke to Giles. She had been filling him in on her Damon theory.

She was almost positive he was a demon or a vampire who had someway found a way around the sun issue.

"Buffy if you suspect this fellow of being a vampire you cannot just walk into his home."

Giles was not wrong. Given that she already had her suspicions, showing up at his house would be like tempting fate. Especially given that since Damon had gone radio silent there hadn't been a single attack. It almost seemed like showing up at his house was going to break the spell and fill the town with more death.

Yet Buffy kept driving toward the Salavtores.

Not only because she had pre-existing plans with Stefan but because she needed to know if Damon was in town.

If Damon was somehow a demon or a vampire who could walk in the sun why did he suddenly go radio silent?

A selfish part of her really wanted Damon to have bolted, so she wouldn't be responsible for killing Stefan's brother.

"Giles he can walk in the sun."

That statement was all it took for the Watcher to go deathly silent. Buffy was almost positive she could hear him cleaning his glasses.

"Which would dictate that while Damon is an abusive partner he is not a vampire."
He argued.

Vampires could not walk in the sun. They had been around for thousands of years yet had not found a way around it.

How could Damon Salvatore do it?

Yet despite the facts, Buffy still couldn't shake the feeling in her gut. The bite marks littering Caroline's body still haunted her thoughts "I just... I have this weird feeling in my gut."

Slayer feelings were not something to argue with. Giles more than anyone knew that.

"Then why are you going?
" He couldn't help but ask in confusion.

If Buffy really suspected Damon of being Supernatural why risk getting involved until she knew what she was dealing with?

It was too risky.

"A friend of mine lives there too, if I start acting weird like something is up..."

"You risk them realizing that you are suspicious." Giles realized. Her plan suddenly made a lot more sense. All it took was one person finding out that she suspected Damon. If it was the wrong person she could be in more danger.

Plus, if Damon was supernatural... there was a chance Stefan was too.

The best thing she could do was play an innocent clueless lamb and pray she was wrong.


"Well, be careful and I will do some research to see if I can find something that explains the missing memories from your friend Caroline."

"Thanks, Giles."

"Buffy, be careful, and if you need me there..."

"I will call." She lied in hopes of keeping him calm.

She had run to keep Giles and her friends safe, she didn't intend on breaking that vow.


Buffy smiled brightly as the front door to the boarding house opened and she was met with the lovely sight of a smiling Stefan Salvatore.

She had half expected Damon to answer the door just to make her life all the more difficult.

The universe loved to screw her over. So of course Damon would be thrown in her face just after she admitted to Giles that she thought he was a sketchy vampire-like creature.

"No, Damon?" She asked curiously as Stefan actually led her into the Boarding house, without any hesitation. Though he did send a quick glance to the door in the corner of the room that she could only guess led down to the basement.

"Nope." He was grinning ear to ear "I kept my promise." Stepping forward, he wrapped his arms around her waist gazing down at her lovingly "Damon won't be a problem anymore. No more drama."

It was almost too good to be true. 

She didn't trust it. The other foot was going to drop on their happiness, she could feel it.

"That is a happy face." She teased wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning in to kiss him softly "You didn't kill him, did you? Please say yes?"

Stefan chuckled at the pouty look on her face, pinching her side playfully his smile brightened as she giggled "Unfortunately no. But he is gone. Did what Damon does best, took off at the first sign of trouble."

Buffy snorted in amusement, while his statement didn't change her suspicions it was still a slight weight off her shoulders. If Damon was gone then that meant Caroline was safe and would be allowed the chance to heal from their messed up relationship.

His running off with his tail between his legs was a good move on Damon's part. It kept him safe from her. Because the second she ever saw him again she was going to beat him into a coma.

"Hmm, he's lucky. Caroline begged me not to tell Liz he had been hurting her, but I did not promise to keep my fist silent."

"I think he was scared that you would kill him."

Maybe not kill but she had definitely been planning to maim him. Unless he was a demon, then she would kill him.

"I won't kill him while dating you." Killing her possible boyfriend's brother would kill their relationship.

That was the one way to kill the romance. 

Resting comfortably in his arms she playfully raised her eyebrow causing him to chuckle "Though if we ever break up, he is fair game."

Stefan smiled, while his brother drove him crazy he would never be able to kill him despite how much he wanted to on a daily basis "Well then I guess I better make sure we never break up."

Despite the fact his words should have scared her, Buffy found herself blushing, basking in the moment with him "Well, Damon is gone and Care is doing better. Wanna get really drunk at a concert like irresponsible teens?"

That sounded like the perfect plan to him.

"How are we going to get back?" He couldn't help but ask as he tightened his grip on her hips. Buffy was a terrifying driver, he didn't want to imagine what it was like when she was drunk.

"How is your tolerance?"

"Better than average." That was an understatement, to say the least.

Buffy grinned at his answer "Then you can drive us back, or we can drunk-dial Zach. Jenna would kill me."

Sure enough, the second she uttered his name, the eldest Salvatore made his appearance.

Just before Stefan could kiss her like he had been planning to Zach appeared behind the couple and cleared his throat awkwardly.

Buffy practically leaped out of Stefan's arms, mortified at having his uncle walk in on them. Gulping nervously, she rubbed the back of her neck and waved awkwardly as Stefan stifled a laugh beside her "Hi Mr. Salvatore."

"You can call me Zach, Buffy." Zach replied with a kind smile before turning to look at his nephew in an almost warning way "Stefan isn't messing with you is he?"

"Zach." Stefan tried but Buffy just smiled and shook her head. It was kind of funny that Stefan's uncle was more concerned about her than his own nephew.

Glancing around the big empty manor, Buffy let out a loud whistle before smirking at Zach playfully. Despite the fact he had sold her out to Liz, he was still Stefan's family so if she couldn't get along with Damon then she had to at least make more of an effort with him "Happy Damon's gone?"

"Ecstatic." He answered without hesitation "Still going to hit me for selling you out?"

"Nah, Stefan paid your debt."

Zach smiled down at her before quirking a curious brow at her, concern itching through his face "How is your friend Caroline? I heard she was attacked."

Buffy froze and merely stared at Zach silently. While she kept her expression neutral, her insides were on fire.

She was officially freaking out.

How did Zach know that?

She literally hadn't told anyone what had happened to Caroline the night of The Founder's party.

Caroline had made her swear. They had literally done a blood oath!

"She's good." Playing dumb was the only way to survive right now "Got the creep off her, and if I ever see him again I am shoving something pointy through his heart."

Zach shifted at her wording "You should. In Mystic Falls you can never be too careful."

His pointed tone caused her to smile lightly "I lived in Sunnydale, I had garlic and crosses hung from my bedpost due to town superstition."


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