Serenity In Murder

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"So come on Elena spill." Caroline and Bonnie teased as the three Junior High girls walked through the quad toward their usual bench for lunch in their cheerleading uniforms.

The 14-year-old Elena laughed softly as she looked at her two best friends "It was nothing."

"So you and Matt, didn't kiss or anything?" Caroline clarified in complete shock, with an underlining hint of disappointment.

She thought she had taught Elena better than that.

It had been months since Matt and Elena had started dating yet nothing had happened.

This was officially the most boring relationship in history!

Bonnie shook her head in amusement as she took her seat before looking at Elena seriously "You guys have been friends for years, and practically dating since you were five. What are you waiting for Elena?"

Elena shrugged, honestly she wasn't sure, she really liked Matt, always had, it just felt like something was missing lately and she wasn't sure what it was.

"I don't know...maybe I'm just waiting for the right time."

"Oh my god." Caroline howled groaning in annoyance before looking at her best friend seriously "Come on Elena, just French the poor sucker!"

Bonnie and Elena glanced at each other before laughing loudly.

They loved Caroline but she could be...well...a little much sometimes.

Thankfully, her phone ringing saved Elena from any more girl talk.

"Hold the French talk." Elena warned thinking it was her dad only to smile brightly as she spotted her cousin's name pop up on the screen.

It had been weeks since she and Buffy had done a catch-up. She couldn't wait to hear all about Buffy's Freshman Year in Hgh School

"Hey, Buffy...what's up?!"



Walking out of Hemery High, Buffy Anne Summers, the freshly turned 15-year-old High School Freshman girl who had managed to become Queen B in just six short amount months walked out onto the courtyard with her friends.

Her long blonde hair hung almost down to her waist. Moving perfectly with her as she strutted along the quad with her friends.

"So I'm like, 'Dad, do you want me to go to the dance in an outfit I've already worn why do you hate me?"

Her friends merely laughed as they followed their leader before one of them turned to Buffy curiously "Is Tyler taking you?"

The mention of the point guard player caused Buffy to roll her eyes as she pulled the lollypop out of her mouth "Where were you when I got over Tyler? He's of the past. Tyler would have to crawl on his hands and knees to get me to go to the dance with him. Which, actually he's supposed to do after practice, so I'm gonna wait."

With that, her three girlfriends started to walk away.

"Okay, see ya later."

Buffy smiled and waved goodbye to her friends "Call me!" She yelled after them before looking around at the sunny campus.

Honestly, her life couldn't be more than perfect. 

Yes, her birthday yesterday had sucked, but today had totally made up for it.

Smiling she peeled off her pink jacket before sitting down to wait for Tyler. Placing her jacket over her legs the blonde continued to look around while she sucked on her sweet, not once noticing the man moving toward her.

"Buffy Summers?"

"Yeah?" She asked turning her head only to frown in confusion.

Who the hell was this guy?

"Hi! What?"

"I need to speak with you." The man told her urgently, honestly, he was totally giving her the creeps right now.

However, quickly it clicked in her mind who he was.

Oh god, she was in so much trouble.

"You're not from Bullock's are you?" She asked nervously "Cause I-I meant to pay for that lipstick."

The man merely sighed, he didn't have time for this, he had to prepare her before they found her "There isn't much time. You must come with me. Your destiny awaits."

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