Cracks Beneath The Earth

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"How did you break the boundary spell surrounding the school?" Kol asked Buffy curiously as the pair of them walked through the back streets of Mystic Falls, headed toward Mystic Falls General.

After Buffy had finally managed to get him to stop with the speedy Gonzales routine (a reference that had gone right over his head) she had started to head to the hospital to check that Elena and Xander were okay, only for Kol to start strolling behind her.

Declaring they needed to have a meeting of minds.

Buffy sighed "I took a guess. My blood is supposed to be resistant to most magic, according to Willow more offensive magic. But I'm also pregnant, and the baby is a witch who has demonic magic attack protection-"

Kol grinned slightly at the explanation "Very smark darling, but for future knowledge, depending on how powerful the witch bloodline a witch's blood can sever certain boundaries. Like your unborn child."

It was safe to say, the witches were not going to be a fan of this baby. Being a firstborn Mikaelson witch would make her insanely powerful, but the demonic blood would also make her resistant to witch attacks.

She would be untouchable.

If this child wanted to, she could probably take over the entire witch community, ruling over them all.

Spotting the familiar lights of the hospital, Buffy glanced down at her phone to check the room number that Stefan had texted her to go to.

Thankfully, he had gotten Xander and Elena out of the school before Caleb had gotten back up.

She so owed Stefan.

Not quite ready to head inside yet though, Buffy moved to sit on the bench just outside and purposely focused on Kol as he moved to sit beside her. Ever since she had watched Jeremy's tattoo grow, she hadn't been able to escape that gnawing feeling in her gut. She had wanted to talk to someone who knew about Silas...and Kol was her best bet.

He was the one who had been obsessed with demons as a child.

He was the one that helped Mary write the spell that turned them into vampires.

Kol had the most knowledge when it came to witches and other folklore out of everyone in his family.

If anyone would know the truth about would be him.

"Tell me about Silas."

Kol scoffed, while he intended to find out what she knew already, he didn't expect her to start the conversation. Actually asking for his thoughts on the topic. "Don't humor me, your idiot friends won't listen, my own sister thinks Silas is a myth."

Buffy let out a frustrated growl at his words before staring up at him, green eyes drilling into dark brown "KOL." She snapped seriously causing him to falter as he slowly started to realize that she was serious, she really wanted to know "I don't do myths. I was a myth, your entire family is a myth! Werewolves, demons duh! In our world, if something is a myth, it's real."

Taking in her words with a grain of salt, trying to decipher if she was messing with him, Kol slowly started to smile.

This was why he loved Slayers!

They were paranoid but in a smart way, unlike his brother.

"You are smarter than I expected." Instead of answering her straight away and diving into the tale of Silas, Kol focused on Buffy's eyes. He could see the bubbling sense of dread and confusion.

Her instincts were screaming at her and she had no idea why.

It made sense, none of her friends had any sense of how The Slayer instinct worked. They wouldn't have thought to help Buffy adapt to the now heightened sense of danger. He could imagine they just wrote it off as Buffy being overly paranoid, something that had rubbed off on her with all the time she spent with his family.

That was exactly what happened.

"Your paranoid yes, but that has nothing to do with your tie to my family. Slayers are forged to be tuned into danger, it's not paranoia, it's your body preparing for a fight you have yet to subconsciously realize is approaching. Anyone who doubts The Slayer Sense is an idiot."

He had seen enough Slayers die over the years because they had not taken their own senses seriously.

Tatia probably would have survived had she listened to the warnings her body was trying to give her every time she was around their mother.

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