Tether Me

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How the hell did she keep ending up being Klaus-bait?

She was one of the most powerful people in town yet this was what she kept getting retorted to.

Buffy was getting really sick of this role, it was kind of insulting.

Entering The Grill in the gold dress she had stolen from Caroline's wardrobe, Buffy groaned as she twisted her paint-stained fingers around her bracelet.

Why didn't she get to do any violence?

Instead, she had to flirt, this was so not fair.

The only benefit meant that she could get a drink.

Many-many drinks.

With another brief moment of hesitation, Buffy forced herself to slip her jacket from her shoulders as she fully entered the crowded bar.

If Elijah didn't die tonight, she was going to kill him for this.

If Elijah didn't die tonight, she was going to kill him for this

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The second that glint of gold hit his eyes, Klaus momentarily glanced away from Kol and turned his attention to the figure entering the bar.


He couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. Not only did she look fantastic in gold but she had paint on her fingertips. That was certainly a new look for her.

She hated painting with oils which could only mean one thing.

After their chat last night, she had painted with water colours, for what was probably the first time since she was 14.

She also seemed to have cut her hair.

It was just grazing her shoulders now, making the backless dress all the more alluring as she turned to speak to one of the staff members, her back to him and Kol.

He was pretty sure it was that human his sister had brought to the ball last night who was now laughing with Buffy.

Kol frowned in confusion at Klaus's abrupt silence.

Turning his head to see what had captured his brother's attention he snorted as he spotted a certain Slayer now walking through the crowd in a short gold dress, her now short curly hair framing her face.

"I must say, she wears that dress well Nik." He teased his still-silent brother as he moved to order another drink "Though, I am sure it would be better suited on the floor. Given the rumors about Slayer muscle control, color me intrigued. I'll let you know if the rumors are true, don't wait up."

The second Kol tried to stand, Klaus yanked him back down into his seat summoning a loud laugh from his younger brother "Say another word and I'll tear out your liver."

Quickly Klaus plastered a nervous smile on his face just as Buffy moved up to the bar and smiled over at the bartender "Hey Leo. Much alcohol needed."

Leo snorted in amusement as he gestured to the array of spirits around him "How bad?"

"Still hungover bad."

"Rum it is." Leo teased before pouring her a fresh glass of rum "It's on me. Hey, is your friend Bonnie single yet?"

Buffy rolled her eyes as she took her drink raising her to her lips, still ignoring the pair of brothers watching her closely from further along the bar "Ask her yourself."

"Why do I let you sit next to me in class again? And send you the assignments when you skip? Which is a lot."

Leo was one of the few old Mystic Falls residents that went to Whitmore. He had been in a few of her classes during High School and was the only one in the whole senior class that hadn't thought she was going to set everyone on fire and now they both took Art History together "Because the guys on the football team are scared of me."

He laughed "Very true supergirl."

Buffy shook her head in amusement and turned her focus back to her drink as Leo was forced to get back to work. 

It was a Saturday night after all.

The busiest night at The Grill.

The second, Leo had moved away though, Klaus drew her attention.


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