Just The Beginning

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The world literally ending would be better than having to sit in class and listen to Tanner drone on and on about town history.

No matter what state she was in, it seemed like she just was not a school person.

Hence why she pulled out her sketchbook. It was the one Jeremy had sent her for her 16th birthday. She hadn't been able to bare ever throwing it away so she replaced the paper whenever the book was filled.

Lately, she found herself drawing nothing but shadows, the outline of demonic eyes appearing without her meaning too.

There was something different about the eyes though.

Blood veins spread out underneath red and black eyes.

Her focus on the strange eyes was momentarily halted as she felt eyes focused on her. Peaking up, her eyes quickly connected with Stefan's. 

The feeling in her chest every time she looked at him left her all kinds of conflicted. 

She had decided four months ago when she ran away from Sunnydale to focus on Slayering until fate decided her time was up. She hadn't wanted to risk getting someone killed again.

Yet, from the second Liz had dragged her back to Mystic Falls, her plans had started to fall apart.

Originally she had avoided her family to keep them safe. She still believed she was cursed and her being in their lives would bring death to their doors, but no matter how hard she tried to keep her distance, she could feel herself getting attached again.

Somehow, she was also making friends which hadn't been a part of the plan either.

She just wanted to be a loner till she graduated.

Yet everything in this town was trying to force her to care again.

Not to mention this strange connection she was feeling with Stefan. A feeling she very much recognized, which terrified the living hell out of her.

The universe had literally thrown her a loving family, supportive new friends, and an insanely kind cute human guy.

She just couldn't be sure if it was a gift for everything she had done or if the Powers That Be were mocking her.

 "The battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle?"

At Tanner's question, Buffy quickly dropped her gaze down back to her book trying to be as invisible as possible. She already had a bad reputation she really didn't need to be labeled stupid too. 

"Ms. Bennett?"

Bonnie looked up from her notepad shrugging at the question "Um...A lot? I'm not sure, like a whole lot."

As the class laughed Tanner merely rolled his eyes at the childish response "Cute becomes dumb in an instant Ms. Bennett."

Buffy clenched her jaw at the comment, the urge to launch something at Tanner slowly building. 

Tanner turned his attention to Matt next "Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?"

Matt just grinned as he leaned back in his chair, his stereotypical Letterman's jacket adorning his shoulders "It's ok, Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it."

Again the class laughed clearly all of them enjoying Tanner's ever-growing frustration.

Buffy had to admit she was holding back a snort, Tanner's head looked like it was about to explode.

Her amusement faded as Tanner landed on his next victim.


Immediately, her fingers wrapped tightly around the edges of her desk, nails digging into the wood.

"Hmm. Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significant historical events?"

"I'm sorry." Elena mumbled awkwardly as she looked down "I—I don't know."

"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena, but the personal excuses ended--

That snapped the last string of Buffy's control.

A history book was launched through the air, slamming right into the wall by Tanner's face. Not even an inch away. One inch to the left and it would have either killed him or knocked him unconscious.

The whole class gasped while Tanner took in a shaky breath. The sudden object flying at his face had clearly shaken him up. 

Slowly his eyes moved to Buffy, her glare searing into his soul.

She didn't care how he spoke to her, but in no way would she let him treat her little cousin that way.

The class watched the glare off between Buffy and Tanner intently. It was like waiting for a bomb to go off. The entire room was tense, and no one was willing to breathe.

"Miss Summers?!"

His raised voice just had Buffy shrugging, unafraid and unbothered. Being yelled at by teachers wasn't exactly new to her "Slipped." She lied easily.

"I'm sure the Principal will believe you."

"And I'm sure he would love to hear about the fact that you..." She rolled her eyes before waving her hand gesturing to his aging face "A middle-aged failed writer, is telling a 17-year-old girl that losing her parents 4 months ago is an inconvenience to you."

He was the adult, an adult who knew that Elena's parents had died. Who knew Elena had been in the car during the accident, yet he was acting like a child with a grudge.

It was disgusting and made Buffy want to punch him in the face.

She really wished he was a demon.

"That is not-"

Buffy cut him off "Isn't that what he just did?" She asked, purposely glancing around the room, making eye contact with her fellow students. Students who were all enjoying their teacher get torn down by the tiny blonde.

"All those in agreement say I."

Every single student in the room spoke up. 


Buffy smirked and held her arms out dramatically as she leaned back in her chair. She no longer cared about school. Honestly, if she got kicked out it wouldn't bother her.

She would just get her GED and be done with it all.

"Looks like the jury has decided." She mocked causing the vein forming on Tanner's forehead to thump as his face turned a furious red.

He looked ready to burst "This insolence! You-"

"It could have been a desk I threw at you." She cut in with a deadly glare, her fingers tightening around her desk as she raised an eyebrow in his direction.

Before their fight could get any worse and lead to Buffy actually maiming him, another voice cut in "Emotional abuse could be argued as traumatic as physically hitting your students with rulers, like in the 1800s." Stefan argued, aiding Buffy's point earning a shocked look from the blonde who stared at him.

Stefan didn't seem like the type to like to draw attention to himself, let alone throw himself into the fire line. A line that would definitely lead to detention if not worse.

"I'm sure there are rules against personally attacking your students, especially given that you are the one with life experience. You as the teacher and mentor should understand that grief has no time limit."

The class just watched as Stefan and Buffy continued to stand up to Tanner, completely enthralled and entertained.

Buffy smiled over at Stefan who smiled back. Biting her lip she turned back to the still furious teacher who they had backed into a corner. 

She knew he wasn't being extra harsh on Elena for being herself. Elena was a good student, it wasn't about her at all.

It was about his dislike of Buffy and Jeremy.

"Admit it. This because you don't like me or Jeremy." Sure enough, Tanner froze his jaw clenching at the way she called him out "Or is it because you never got a single date in High School?"

Clearly, that comment had pushed him a little bit too far, but she would rather his anger focused on her than Elena "Summers and-" He turned to Stefan.


"Both of you, detention!"

His drama queen moment ended and he returned to his lesson.

Settling back in her seat, Buffy glanced at Elena, who despite her obvious disapproval of the scene couldn't help but smile gratefully.

Buffy smiled back before glancing over at Stefan who was already looking in her direction 'Thank you.' She silently mouthed.

Despite getting detention, Buffy couldn't help but think it was worth it.

Tanner had been schooled and embarrassed. That enough was totally worth coming to class today.

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