Motherly Instinct

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Her phone was ringing.

Pausing in the middle of the tunnels, Buffy clenched her jaw tightly as she spotted a familiar number.

The Grill.

AKA: Connor.

Swallowing her murderous rage, Buffy plastered a big smile on her face as she continued down the tunnel, headed right for the opening leading to The Grill "Buffy Summers, speaking how may I direct your call?" She chirped, putting on her best dumb blonde voice.

"I will talk to you." Connor hissed through the phone "No vampires, no hybrids just you, me, and your brother."

A new hunting trio.

So far, Buffy was not a fan.

The second she heard banging coming from above her, she couldn't help but grin. She was right under The Grill.

If she wasn't in such a rush she would so high-five herself right now!

"Be there in a jiffy." She mumbled before hanging up and making her way toward the banging.

With no idea that right now a Hybrid was entering The Grill, by himself.

Completely going against her only pairs order.

He was following an order from Stefan and Klaus and it was about to get him killed.

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After Klaus had called him stating that he needed to get to The Grill straight away, the Hybrid made his way through the entrance.

Stefan had called Klaus the second he had woken up, who had panicked and started throwing hybrids in as cannon fodder to ensure Buffy would be safe.

Chris peaked his head through the front door as rock music continued to blast heavily through the bar.

The hunter was smart trying to throw off his senses.

Looking down he spotted the trick wire and quickly stepped over it and onto the slightly lifted platform. The second his feet touched the platform though, he was sent flying through the air as the floor exploded under him.

Matt and April watched on in horror through the window in the stock room.

Just as she started panicking, April let out a small scream as she felt a hand touch her shoulder. However, as she turned she sighed in relief as she spotted a familiar face behind her.

The blonde girl that had babysat her a few times when she was little.

Buffy Summers.

Buffy offered April a small reassuring smile, quickly scanning her for injuries as she raised a finger to her lips. Making it clear that April had to keep calm and quiet despite the fact she obviously wanted to do nothing but scream in utter terror.

Not that Buffy could blame her.

April was a human kid, of course, she was petrified.

"Are you two okay?" Buffy asked as she shifted her gaze to Matt who instantly relaxed at the sight of her.

Matt nodded "I'm okay but that guy...he has Jer."

Not surprising.

Connor was pushy and insistent.

Inhaling tightly, Buffy clenched his jaw before quickly glancing through the window only to freeze as she spotted the body on the floor.

It was one of the hybrids she had seen guarding Tyler's house the other week but instead of being all smug and confident, his entire body was covered in glass and fresh blood from the bomb he had set off.

Spotting the trip wire next to a raised platform Buffy growled softly. This was exactly why she had said no one went in alone! 

A trip wire was so obvious!

There was no way someone has experienced as Connor would rely on a damn trip wire!

As Connor appeared and took the Hybrid off guard firing a large shotgun, Buffy flinched as she spotted the massive hole appear in his chest.

The gun had literally blown his heart right out of his chest.

Chris was dead.

She had to admit though, as horrifying as it was to watch, Connor had pretty awesome taste in weapons.

However, something did give her pause, sending a panicked reaction vibrating through her body. The second Connor had fired that shot, her hand had instinctively moved protectively around her stomach.

Uh oh.

Feeling eyes on her, Buffy quickly refocused on the still terrified humans. Swallowing her own growing discomfort and the sliver of fear in her telling her to run, Buffy handed her phone over to Matt "Follow the map. You'll be out of here then take April to Caroline's."

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