Goodbye To You

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The Bennett couch was surprisingly comfortable.

While everyone thought she was crashing at the witch house, which she was, every now and then she would crash on Bonnie's couch. After finding out that Elena had recruited Damon to compel Jeremy again, Buffy had come straight to Bonnie after her official breakup with Stefan.

Bonnie tended to side with her when it came to compulsion, so she was the best person to talk to.

Plus, if one more person told Buffy that it was for his own good she was going to start ripping off heads.

Wrapped up in a Pink unicorn onesie with hot cocoa in her hands, Buffy watched as Bonnie paced back and forth in her pajamas, practically burning a hole into the carpet. It was safe to say that Bonnie was pissed following the reveal about Elena once again trying to compel Jeremy.

Bonnie was furious!

What the hell was wrong with Elena?!

Had she learned nothing over the past few years?

How could Elena be so blind to her own hypocrisy? She couldn't scream about doing the right thing and being able to make her own choices yet repeatedly resort to literally wiping her brother's mind so he listened to her.

After the argument, Buffy and Elena had about compulsions previously in Sunnydale, how the hell was Elena still thinking this was a good idea?!

Was common sense literally going in one ear and out the other?


Buffy winced at the volume of her voice, Bonnie could certainly be terrifying when she was angry "Yep. Well, at least she thinks she did."

There was a small laugh as Bonnie took in the meaning of her words. While she hated lying to Elena, if Elena was going to keep trying to compel people no matter what anyone said then this was the only way around it.

"You and Jeremy planned this?" 

Honestly, she wasn't surprised.

After the incident in Sunnydale, it wouldn't shock Bonnie if Buffy and Jeremy had made a backup plan in case it ever happened again.

"We had a backup plan. I promised I would never let him get compelled again. He texted me when he suspected what she was planning. We grabbed my emergency stash of vervain. He drank a bunch."

"And Elena just thought he was out..." Bonnie clicked.

Buffy grinned "Yep. She never knew where I kept my stash. I have one at the High School and another is hidden in a floorboard under my bookshelf. She literally wouldn't have been able to get to it."

Letting out a relieved breath, Bonnie threw herself onto the couch, grabbing some of the waffles from the plate next to Buffy. Taking a few bites, Bonnie finally allowed her eyes to shift back to Buffy, examining her closely.

"Now, we are focusing on you."

"Ugh, why?" Buffy would literally rather talk about anything else.

Bonnie smiled sadly before nudging Buffy with her slipper-covered foot. Buffy was always there for her, more than anyone and she wanted to do the same. Plus, while she may not have said it out loud, she had spent the past few months since Buffy's resurrection watching her.

Watching as she slowly crumbled under the surface.

"Because you never focus on your own problems and you didn't just show up on my doorstep because of the Jeremy thing."

Not wanting to dive into her issues, Buffy attempted to postpone that talk as long as possible "Can you tell me you're not angry?"

"Oh, I'm furious. I'm just glad that you have kept him pumped full of vervain. But, no way in hell am I telling Elena that her attempt to control everyone didn't work. She would try and justify it again."

Buffy laughed lightly at the very accurate statement.

It was like one rule existed for Elena while the rest of them had to deal with the consequences. While Buffy loved her and didn't think Elena realized it, Elena had a habit of unknowingly thinking she was better than everyone else.

She held herself to a higher standard.

"We both know if she could she would use magic to make me act like I was."

As much as Bonnie wished she could argue with the statement, she literally couldn't. Given the history, it was likely that if Buffy could be compelled or have her memories wiped that Elena would want to use it to get Buffy to start acting like her old self.

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