Curious Connections

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Glass Exploding.

That was the last thing Buffy remembered before everything went dark.

The piercing scream filling her ears finally stirred her from her forced unconscious state. She tried to open her eyes, but it felt like two 100-pound weights had been attached to her eyelids.

The screaming started to get louder and louder beside her, allowing Buffy to finally summon enough energy to open her eyes.

Blood was filling her mouth causing her to cough violently, blood spilling out all over the hood of the car.

Wincing in agony, Buffy finally took in her surroundings. She was still in her in the passenger seat of her car.

A car that was very much upside down.

That was when it all came back to her. The reveal about Mary and Katherine, meeting up with Elena...and then the man on the road.

They had crashed.

Turning her head her eyes widened in panic as she spotted Elena screaming beside "Elena." She whispered, "Are you okay?"

Elena seemed relatively unharmed with only a small cut on her forehead. Buffy was positive she on the other hand looked like a train wreck, if the wet liquid dripping down her face was anything to go off.

Finally halting in her screaming Elena just nodded, a small wince escaping her "I hit my head"

Before Elena could say another word though she spotted something wet dripping onto the roof of the car. Looking down, Elena's eyes widened in horror as she spotted the blood.

But what was more horrifying than the puddle of blood was the fact that the blood was coming from Buffy and not from the injury on her head.

Buffy was clearly more hurt than she had originally thought.

Lodged in the side of The Slayer's stomach was a large piece of glass, pierced right above her rib cage.

The glass was the only thing currently keeping her from bleeding out in her seat.

"Oh, my God." Elena gasped as she started yanking against her car seat again, more desperately this time. Her own sore head, long forgotten "We need to get you to the hospital."

However, in her mission to escape Elena froze as she spotted a shadow coming toward them, in a panic she frantically started reaching around her seat.

She knew Buffy well enough to know she wouldn't go anywhere without a weapon of sorts in the car.

Spotting a stake in the backseat Elena reached for it desperately only for a scream to escape her as the figure moved closer.

However, suddenly the figure tilted his head before disappearing into the darkness leaving the two girls on the road.

Just as relief started to spread through her Elena jumped as another figure popped their head into the car only for her eyes to widen in shock.


"How ya both doing there?"

At the familiar voice, Buffy frowned in confusion and tilted her head, a sharp hiss escaping her as she tried to turn her head.


Damon eyed the blonde closely, he could smell the blood all over the car and it was laced with pure power. Which meant it was all Buffy's blood.

Not a good sign.

"You're both stuck."

Elena nodded at his statement before glancing back at Buffy only to panic as she spotted Buffy's eyes fluttering shut again.


She could not let Buffy fall asleep.

"Buffy stay awake!" She yelled before turning to Damon. For the first time ever, she wanted to cheer for joy at the sight of him "Damon, she's hurt bad, she took most of the force when the car turned."

"I'm fine." Buffy whispered hoarsely as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

She was fading fast, she could feel it.

Damon could hear her heart slowing. He clenched his jaw at the sound. Given all of her injuries, she was about as far from fine as humanly possible.

The fact she hadn't bled to death yet was a miracle.

Standing he tried to move the jeep only to quickly stop as Buffy let out a sharp cry of pain as the movement caused her to shift. Further digging the glass into her side.

Thinking quickly Damon crouched back down analyzing the situation closely as he tried to figure out how to get the girls out.

It was not going to be easy, that was for sure. One wrong move and Buffy would bleed out.

"I'm gonna get you out of there." He assured them before focusing on Elena "Elena I need to get you out first to get to Buffy. So I want you to put your hands on the roof. Just like that."

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