Unwanted Familiar Connections

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Carol Lockwood was dead.

In some sick twisted form of retribution to get back at Tyler, Klaus had killed Carol, literally holding her face down in a fountain until she finally drowned.

In the week since The Mayor's passing, Mystic Falls had been in mourning. Carol had been The Mayor for years, she ran multiple charities and pretty much planned every town event and fundraiser.

To honor the passing of yet another member of the Founding Families, most of the town had gathered at the High School all of them paying their respects.

"Carol Lockwood always said that togetherness, in times of tragedy, leads to healing." Liz Forbes's voice echoed through the microphone as she stood on the stage for the memorial.

Hidden in the back of the crowd, Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie all perched near Tyler who was glaring down at the stage.

All of them had lost a parent in some way and wanted to at least show their support. Despite the fact Tyler had barely spoken in the days since his mother's body was found, it didn't mean that the girls hadn't noticed the burning rage that was bubbling down inside of him. Tyler was on a shaky edge at the moment, and it was hard to know for sure what was going to happen. He would either break and finally allow himself to grieve or...he would throw himself into an all-consuming rage and make it his mission to destroy Klaus for good.

Not even Caroline could figure out which path her boyfriend's coin was going to land on and it terrified the living hell out of her.

"That one community is stronger than a thousand of its numbers."

Slowly candles started being lit one by one, everyone lighting a candle for their fallen.

"But how does a community stay strong after losing its leader? And Carol was so much more than just a Mayor. She was..." Liz stammered slightly, her voice wavering but she forced herself to continue "An opened minded friend...and a concerned mother. Taken from us too soon. By a terrible accident."

The second the word accident was uttered into the universe, Tyler tensed up his jaw clenching tightly as a wave of fury rushed through him. This whole cover story was a loud of crap. His mother had been murdered.

End of story.

And it was his fault.

He hated himself right now, he should have gone to her, not rushed around after the hybrids Klaus had already torn through with ease.

"Screw this." He snapped unable to take hearing the lies a second longer.

In less than a second, Tyler was gone, bolting from his mother's memorial.

Caroline sighed as she watched him go before smiling weakly as she felt Elena squeeze her hand. It was nice to have her support right now, because, she had no idea what she was supposed to do. Tyler's mother was dead and the person who had killed her couldn't be killed without wiping out an entire sire line.

Their sire line.

Plus, that wasn't even adding in the extra complication that was Buffy and the baby.

Buffy had literally not come back for this or the funeral, hiding out at The Lake House because she hadn't wanted to upset Tyler or remind him of Klaus today of all days.

Her stomach was literally a massive Klaus is here sign.

Elena entangled her hands with Caroline as she watched Tyler rush off. She couldn't help but feel for him, she knew why he didn't want to be here. Having your parent's death thrust into your face in front of an entire town wasn't exactly easy. Especially, when everyone only thought that Carol had drunkenly stumbled into a fountain and drowned.

It was a shit cover story to be forced to have to play along too.

Thoughts of Tyler were momentarily put on hold for a second as Elena spotted a familiar flash of blonde hair standing by the entrance.

Instantly, dread started to form in her gut.


The owner of the blonde hair just smirked right at her causing Elena to gulp. She was supposed to be a box right now with a dagger in her heart.

Yet here she was awake and probably very pissed off.

Rebekah was awake.

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