Changing Heart

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Needing to focus on anything other than the kiss that wouldn't stop consuming her every thought, Buffy downed a few more gulps of whiskey before violently wiping at her lips for the 12th time.

She felt sick.

Completely disgusted with herself.

Most of all, she was pissed off. 

Klaus ruined her life, he didn't get to be the one person who made her feel something other than dead!

Suddenly, grunting coming from a nearby room drew Buffy's attention, offering her the perfect escape from the tingling sensation she couldn't force out of her body.

Why had kissing Klaus felt so good?

The echo of Stefan and Damon's cries of pain caused all thoughts of Klaus to momentarily vanish from her mind.

She could have a breakdown later.

Without hesitation, she sped away from the wall and toward the fight that was slowly growing louder.

Forcing open the doors they slammed loudly causing Tyler who was currently attempting to bite Damon to pause momentarily giving Buffy her chance.

Too overwhelmed in confusion and anger she sped forward pulling out the white oak stake from her thigh holster and raising it towards Tyler, only to suddenly feel as though drills were being forced into her head making her cry out in agony.

Stumbling back clutching her head, Buffy quickly noticed that she wasn't the only one in pain.

Though strangely it didn't seem to be affecting her as much as Damon, Stefan, and Tyler.

Another Original benefit she had been granted.

Slowly, Buffy turned to Bonnie was now lowering her arms.

Queen Bonnie had taken control putting them all in their place.

Slowly the pain dissipated and the four of them found themselves now alone with an unconscious Tyler by the wall.

"I feel like I just went on a bar crawl." Buffy moaned as she rubbed her head while Damon glared at the witch "Ugh! What the hell is wrong with you? You're not supposed to witchy migraine us."

Bonnie glared at him before turning her gaze to Buffy. She was beyond shock by the way Buffy had rushed in ready to kill.

She couldn't believe what Buffy had been willing to do.

"Buffy, what the hell was that?! You're not supposed to kill Tyler."

"She lost control." Stefan argued defending the blonde as he checked her to make sure she was alright "She's not used to her emotions being this heightened, it's going to take time for her to learn."

Damon groaned in annoyance "Is everyone forgetting the part where he tried to bite me!?" He exclaimed as he gestured to the still-unconscious Tyler.

Everyone ignored him.

Buffy sighed before quickly bending down to pick up the stake only to have Bonnie's eyes widen at the sight of it "What is that?"

Buffy shrugged as she quickly placed it back in her holster and covered it back up with her dress "Nothing."

Bonnie sputtered as she continued to stare at Buffy"Oh my God, is that the—"

"Bonnie!" Buffy hissed, cutting her off "Exna on the woodah!"

Gesturing around the room making it clear that they weren't the only ones at this party with good hearing Bonnie nodded before frowning in confusion.

She had thought Mikael or Mary would have the stake.

Why were they trusting Buffy with it?

"Why do you have it?" She whispered this time.

Buffy sighed "So that Damon doesn't!"

Damon's eyes widened in insult "Hey!" He hissed in a hushed tone, clearly offended.

Stefan rolled his eyes before turning to Bonnie "She's the only one of us strong enough to take him who can get in the house."

Buffy and Klaus were equals for a reason.

They were the only ones who could kill each other.

The thought of Klaus had Buffy clenching her jaw as she ran a shaky hand through her hair. The sooner Klaus was dead the sooner she could erase that kiss from her mind.

More determined than ever, Buffy turned to Stefan "Stefan you check in with—Elena. Damon, try not to kill Tyler. I've got a wolf hunt to get to."

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