The Comet

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The comet.

The latest event in the long list of Mystic Falls events.

After another night of no sleep, Buffy was struggling to keep her eyes open as she helped Bonnie and Elena hand out flyers for the festival.

Despite the fact she was standing in the daylight she started to doze off again.

A loud clap kept her awake.

Elena's hands slapping together in front of her face officially woke her up, but the coffee she shoved into her face helped more.

Downing half of the contents in a single gulp Buffy sighed in relief. Finally awake.

Now that she was awake she couldn't help but think back to yesterday. Meeting Stefan's brother had been weird, to say the least.

She didn't know what it was about Damon but he gave her the same kind of vibe she had gotten off Spike when she met him.

If he hadn't been bathed in sunlight, she would have assumed he was a vampire. But clearly, whatever she was sensing was just the weird brotherly tension going on between them.

There were obviously some family issues going on there.

For the second time, she was so glad to be an only child.

Siblings just seemed too complicated.

"So what happened last night?" Bonnie asked Buffy drawing the blonde attention off her own wandering thoughts.

"Like I told Elena, his brother showed up. I really do not to be some chess piece in whatever is going on there." While she was Stefan's friend, she didn't know him well enough to get involved with his family drama.

If he wanted to talk about she would listen, but given that he had not mentioned Damon at all she figured it was too deep of a topic.

"We will reschedule. Whatever."

Bonnie and Elena glanced at each other in worry. They both knew that Buffy liked Stefan but if she was going to open up to the possibility of falling in love again she needed something drama free.
"How about the three of us go to see the comet together?" Elena suggested as she moved to throw an arm over Buffy's shoulder "A girl's night?"

A girl's night definitely seemed more appealing than dealing with whatever brother drama was going on in the Salvatore house "That is a total yes in my books."


Sitting perched on her window seal, Buffy continued to focus on the set of eyes she had been drawing in her sketchbook.

Lately, when she had drawn eyes they had been those black and red ones with veins underneath.

Yet today something was different.

The eyes this time were a bright glowing yellow with the same blood-like veins underneath.
She couldn't even remember reaching for her yellow pencil yet obviously she had. 

It was like the yellow eyes were staring right into her soul.

"Did you have to tell Jenna I snuck out?"

Buffy snorted at Jeremy's question "Self-preservation." She answered as he strolled into her room without knocking and jumped onto her bed.
As he laid out across the bed, Buffy lowered her legs off the window seal and turned to face him "I had a guy in my room all night. You left early to go check on someone in the hospital. Your crime was not as bad as mine."

"Fair dos." He couldn't argue with her logic.

Standing up, Buffy moved over to the bed and nudged him with her foot, signaling for him to make room for her.

Laying down beside him, Buffy stared up at the ceiling "How is Vicki?"

Turning to lie on his side, Jeremy grumbled into Buffy's fluffy blue pillow "Better. Still hung up on Tyler... but better."

Buffy turned to face him, a weak smile crossing her lips "You little bear..." He rolled his eyes at the old nickname, which made less sense now that he was taller than her "Are pretty amazing. If Vicki can't see that, then someone else will."

His unconvinced look caused her to snort and playfully punch him in the ribs "Though if you want me to beat up Tyler to up your chances....just ask."

Jeremy finally laughed "I will take that under consideration."

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