Evil Is Not Born

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"Elijah, I told you I am fine."

Buffy was far from okay.

When Elijah called her for his daily check-in to see how she was feeling, she was in the middle of her regular routine.

Intense morning sickness that made her feel like she was dying.

As her stomach churned again, Buffy quickly buried her face into the toilet once more as her dinner from last night rushed up her throat like a speeding train. This whole throwing-up thing was getting old quickly.

Spotting Bonnie watching her with concern from the hallway, Buffy smiled weakly before grabbing the water beside her, forcing a few sips down her throat.

Elijah just hummed through the phone, clearly not buying it.

Given that she had been throwing up for the past 10 minutes, he knew that this pregnancy was taking its toll on her. It was like nature was mocking her, a form of karma for sleeping with Klaus, ensuring that she got all of the worst symptoms of pregnancy.

"The sickness should fade soon." He assured her, his voice more calming and soothing, almost brotherly"You are almost through your first trimester, Marianna's sickness faded at the fourth month."

The first trimester was the most intense and dangerous.

For both mother and child.

Buffy just grumbled weakly as Bonnie appeared next to her rubbing some healing paste on her chest before kissing her forehead and vanishing into the kitchen.

Living with Bonnie was awesome!

Plus, Buffy had to admit she still laughed at the memory of what had happened when Elijah had first called this morning. Given that she had her head buried in a toilet, Bonnie answered her phone only to go on a long lecture the second she heard Elijah's voice. She had threatened to turn him into a suit-wearing toad if he so much as tried to force Buffy to do anything ever again.

Bonnie rocked!

She was going to be an awesome Godmother.

Though, Buffy had yet to reveal that to her yet. She had literally bought Bonnie a t-shirt that should be arriving in a few days.

World's best Godmother stitched along the front.

"Are you sure you do not wish for me to return to Mystic Falls?"
Elijah queried, concern dripping through his voice "At least until Klaus arrives back from Italy."

Struggling up to her feet, Buffy grumbled in distaste at the idea.

She so did not need Elijah showing up to play bodyguard. If he did, it would practically be announcing her new status in the Mikaelson family to the entire town.

It was already hard enough having Klaus desperate to rub the truth in Stefan's face, but another Original getting all over-protective of her would be a massive red flag.

She was going to tell her friends, she was!

She just needed time to figure out how to break the news.

"I am being protected by an all-powerful Bennett Witch. I'm good."

The reminder of who else now knew about the impending birth, which was now just six months away, caused Elijah to sigh.

Someone else knowing about the baby was risky.

"Telling her, Buffy-Anne-"

Buffy rolled her eyes as she slipped on her fluffy bunny slippers and grabbed the big fluffy blanket around her shoulders. She was not going to let Elijah lecture her. If his whole family, including Mary, got to know about this bundle of supernatural joy, it was only fair that she got to at least have one person involved too!

"I have told her and Willow. Two witches I trust who can keep an eye on the witch world."

Bonnie had been the most to suggest telling Willow and Tara.

Given how powerful Willow was, and Tara's link to the word of ancestral magic and the spirits, it would give them more chances of watching out for any incoming threats.

AKA: If the spirits started sending ghosts or more witches to kill Buffy and the baby.

Elijah just grumbled unhappily, but didn't argue "Yes, speaking of your friend Willow, she sent me a letter last night while I was speaking to Marcel's little weapon, Davina."

He actually sounded amused which had Buffy snorting.

Of course, Willow had introduced herself via a flaming magical letter.

"She send you a list of questions?"

"Apparently, she is sending me a quiz next week as she is trying to work out just how you and Niklaus managed to conceive. She also has inquired that I send her a full family history. She is very bold that friend of yours."

Buffy barked out a loud laugh as she slowly started making her way toward the kitchen, letting the smell of bacon flying through the air wash over her.

Immediately, her stomach growled.



Buffy never wanted to move out of the Bennett house, it was official. Rudy made the best bacon and egg omelets in existence.

"She is sending a trusted friend to New Orleans. A wolf. She also demanded Kol's phone number. May I inquire as to why?"

The fact that Willow had taken the opportunity to ask for a way to speak to Kol did not surprise Buffy in the slightest. When they had been trying to complete her transformation, Willow had come down with a severe case of witch-fangirling when it came to Kol Mikaelson. She was obsessed with just how much he knew about magic, she had literally called him a magical genius.

"He is a magical genius, she is fangirling like a gal at a Van Hallen concert." She stated bluntly as she walked into the kitchen and smiled over at Bonnie before taking her seat beside her.

Bonnie's father Rudy was moving around the kitchen, preparing the two girls a breakfast feast.

It honestly, smelled like pure heaven!

Rudy had a true gift when it came to food.

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