The Uninvited

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The Mystic Falls High School Graduation had taken place just a few hours earlier, which meant The Grill was packed to the brim with teenagers, trying their luck with badly put-together fake IDs. In a small town, it didn't matter how good your ID was, everyone knew everyone.

When Rebekah had asked her to come out for a drink, sick of spending all day in the empty mansion, Buffy begrudgingly agreed.

She liked hanging out with Rebekah, but there were two problems.

Problem One: The Grill was the only place in town with a bar but it was now rammed with teenagers.

Problem Two: Elena and Caroline were here.

She had spotted the two girls by the dartboards, having what looked like quite a tense conversation, hence why she had steered clear. Caroline had already forced her to spend time with Elena today, she had completed her sentence of torture. All Buffy wanted was to enjoy her evening, have a few drinks with her friend then call Sandra to check in on Joy.

Taking a sip of her wine, Rebekah shot Elena a sharp glare as she spotted the doppelganger giving her the stink eye before she refocused on Buffy just as she took a bite of one of the fried jalapeno poppers Matt had gotten her from the kitchen "I can't believe that was the first thing she said to you after 3 months. Is she bloody demented?"

Buffy just shrugged tossing another fried jalapeno into her mouth, unbothered by the encounter she had with Elena. At first, she had been pissed off and tempted to slap some sense into the girl, but honestly, she just didn't have the capacity in her head for it right now.

"I don't get how you haven't wrung her scrawny little neck." Rebekah commented as she downed the last of her wine, quickly grabbing the bottle to refill her glass.

"You know exactly why I haven't." Buffy declared.

Sure enough, silence irrupted between the pair, one word hanging silently in the air over their heads.


Buffy hadn't killed Elena just like how in the end Rebekah hadn't been able to go through with actually killing Klaus after finding out he had killed her mother.

There was nothing stronger than the bond of family and while Buffy could love and hate Elena with equal measure, she knew deep down she would never be able to go through with actually killing her.

No matter how much she wanted to sometimes.

She could separate herself from Elena, hell she was planning on going to the other side of the planet to get away from her but...the memories of how close they once were, the bond they had shared would always keep them connected in a way.

They were family.

Despite how much they sometimes wished they weren't.

It was almost ironic. Somehow their relationship had morphed into something more similar to that of Klaus and Rebekah's twisted pairing. Meaning that Damon and Stefan were officially the healthiest set of siblings in Mystic Falls.

Hell had really frozen over.

Hell had really frozen over

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Given that she could see the vein in Caroline's forehead growing bigger by the second and Rebekah was now back to flirting with Matt, Buffy begrudgingly made her way over to the younger pair.

Well, technically Rebekah had told her that she was killing her game and was not a good wingwoman.

Not that Buffy minded, she knew for a fact she wasn't the best wingwoman. She had literally tried it once and accidentally convinced Willow to leave The Bronze with a vampire who was working for The Master.

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