Into The Woods

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"I'm fine." 

At Elena's words, both Buffy and Jeremy glanced at each other before rolling their eyes completely in sync. 

They weren't stupid.

Elena had lost several pints of blood and could barely stand. 

She was far from okay, not that she would ever admit it. 

Elena had always been the most stubborn out of the three Summers kids.

"You lost almost half of your blood, Elena." Jeremy reminded her as he led her into the living room and over to the couch, which Buffy was getting all comfy for her "You're not fine."

Elena was officially stuck on bed rest for the next few days. Buffy and Jeremy had already set up watch shifts to make sure she followed the Doctor's orders.

"Jeremy's right." Buffy piped in. 

She and Jeremy were basically teaming up against the stubborn doppelgänger who always managed to get herself into life-and-death situations. 

"You are going to lay here." Buffy told Elena sternly as she continued fluffy the couch pillows just as Jeremy helped the middle child of the three down "You're going to eat ice cream, watch bad TV, and use Jeremy as a servant."

At Buffy's orders, Jeremy moved to nod in agreement only to freeze as it clicked what exactly Buffy had just said. 

He hadn't agreed to that!

Snapping his head in her direction he stared at her with wide eyes, she couldn't be serious "Wait, what?!"

At the flabbergasted look on her brother's face, Elena snorted in amusement before throwing one of the pillows at him, hitting him right in the face"Fetch me the ice cream, servant."

Glaring at his sister, Jeremy glanced over at Buffy with a small pout hoping for her to stick up for him but she merely grinned and waved him off causing him to grumble under his breath in defeat.

As Jeremy stormed off in the direction of the kitchen to complete his task begrudgingly, Buffy and Elena shared a small glance before bubbles of laughter escaped the two of them. 

Jeremy was just so easy to mess with, it was more amusing than anything.

Buffy grinned slightly before clearing her throat trying to swallow her laughter so she didn't start crying out in laughter. Forcing herself to stop, Buffy grabbed her jacket pulling it on as she turned to give Elena a small pointed look. 

She did not want a call from the hospital in a few hours saying Elena almost died again.

So she was bringing in reinforcements.

"Xander and Anya are gonna come over."

At the sudden words, Elena couldn't help but frown in confusion "Wait, you're leaving?"

Buffy nodded "Yeah." She mumbled before rolling her eyes as she spotted the look Elena was throwing her way, which made it perfectly clear she wanted to know where and for how long she would be gone "I'm gonna go see Riley."

With that little reveal, Elena smirked and raised a teasing eyebrow "Celebrating the fact that Klaus is gone?"

"For now." Buffy pointed out "But yeah."

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