The Dark Side

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As Damon yammered on about his time with Lexi and how she had made it her mission to get him back to full emotional status, Rebekah rolled her eyes "Just how obsessed were you with my sister?"

"I wasn't obsessed." Damon countered, quickly cutting her off as he shot her a sharp glare "Why are you still here? You are not part of this bonding trip."

Bringing her cosmopolitan to her lips, Buffy just snorted as Damons obvious attempt at deflection. When it came to Mary he tended to get very defensive, she was almost positive he had been planning on ripping out Xander's throat for even daring to mention that he had an unhealthy attachment to the name Mary.

When Xander had straight up said she was his Drusilla, Damon had launched a bookshelf at his head.

"Damon back to this point." Buffy told him, her patience growing thin.

Clenching his jaw, he shot one more glare at Rebekah who just grinned smugly as stole his glass of bourbon and downed it. Grumbling under his breath, like a small child, Damon shifted his focus between the two blondes who had been making their way steadily through the liquor supply "She would ask about Mary. What she looked like at that point. Her real face, her you face-" He wiggled his fingers in front of Buffy's face tapping her nose teasingly "And how I felt about her. Bla-bla..." Slowly a wicked grin covered his lips "But, I may have done something a little mean to get payback."

For the first time in over an hour, Buffy was finally intrigued.

Grabbing one of the shots on the tray that Damon had compelled for them, Buffy's eyes lit up like a small child on Christmas morning. She was still a 22-year-old girl, she loved hearing gossip!

Especially when it wasn't about her.

"Gossip? Spill." She practically begged as she downed her shot before looking at him with big doe eyes.

Damon just smirked before wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as he tapped the top of the bar, knowing that she would get his drift.

Like a computer frozen as it tried to reconnect to the internet, Buffy stared at Damon silently for a good minute, her eyes getting bigger and bigger by the second as the reality of what he was hinting at started to settle into her brain.

Lexi and Damon.


"Oh my god!" She squeaked as she started laughing "Lexi touched you? Willingly? Did you blackmail her?" Now that was not something she never expected to hear. Lexi had hated Damon and had called him a literal pig and scum.

Given how shocked she was at the prospect of him actually being able to put the moves on Lexi, Damon couldn't help but sputter.

Why did Buffy always have to torture and take the piss out of him?

To be fair though, their entire friendship was formed on the basis of torturing each other.

Buffy removed her elbows from the bar in less than a second, almost like it had turned around and burnt her skin "You tainted the bar?"


"Not just the bar." Damon teased as he shot her a playful wink causing both her and Rebekah to groan "The stage and the roof too. It was a very long night."

"I can't believe I ever slept with you." Rebekah grumbled in self-disgust as she downed two shots in quick succession before focusing on Damon "Why was this woman so determined to fix your obsession with my sister?"

Damon ignored the snide reminder about Mary "She had a Mother Teresa Complex."

"You are no Lexi." Buffy stated as she downed another shot before grinning at Damon innocently.

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