Even If You Lose

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Done with classes for the week, Caroline walked into her house only to laugh as she spotted the pink balloons and flowers tied around a stuffed unicorn with a pendant attached.

It was the first time she had smiled all day.

Walking over to the stuffed toy, her smile only grew as she grabbed the gold pendant with a blue crystal in the center.

It was a locket.

Opening it carefully, happy tears filled her eyes as it clicked who the gift was from.

Inside the locket was a photo of her and Buffy as little kids, both of them covered in pizza sauce as they grinned up at the camera.

It was a birthday gift from Buffy.

Picking up the card, Caroline fought back tears as she spotted the note at the bottom. To be honest, she was shocked given everything that was going on that Buffy had remembered.

But then again, Buffy had a habit of wanting nothing more than to make her friends smile even when she was depressed and miserable.

'I will come by after your b-day celebration! Love B.'

Given how much misery she had been feeling this surprise was exactly what she had needed. Breaking up with Tyler and everything falling apart had made her miserable yet Buffy's birthday surprise brought back some light.

"Surprise!" Three loud voices screamed making the blonde vampire jump in shock as she spotted Elena, Matt and Bonnie all wearing birthday hats and holding up a large Happy Birthday Caroline sign.

 "Happy birthday!"

"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline finally asked as she latched the new locket around her neck, twisting it nervously.

Elena shrugged "Well, you blew off the party we planned at the house so..." She pulled the purple fluffy crown off her head and placed it on Caroline's "...change into warmed clothes, we're going to the falls. For our funeral tradition remember?"

After Caroline's last-minute birthday funeral on her 18th birthday, it had become a tradition. Caroline had been depressed by the reality that she was technically stuck at 17 for eternity and it had been the only thing that cheered her up.

Bonnie grinned happily "S'mores, campfire."

"Cake!" Elena finished gleefully.

Matt then grinned the widest of them all "Except with tequila."


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After dropping off Caroline's birthday gift, Buffy was right back to avoiding society. While she still planned to drop by, her plan was to see Caroline give her another gift, wish her a happy birthday then vanish.

Buffy had no intention of speaking to Elena.

Kicking the punching bag she had set up in one of the rooms, Buffy threw hit after hit at the bag which was now swinging back and forth as her fists continued to connect with it.

This was probably the least destroyed room in the house, though Buffy suspected that the witches were using magic to keep the bag hanging from the ceiling.

She was holding back dramatically trying not to break the bag, she had already broken too many now.

She couldn't risk breaking anymore, it was beginning to get really pricy.

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