A Land Without Love

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The Mikaelson ball was in full swing.

Assuming that the girls had listened to him, Damon happily made his way through the large estate, his eyes quickly landing on Carol Lockwood.

"Hello, Carol." Damon greeted with a wide smirk as he walked toward the beautiful mayor and held out a glass of champagne toward her.

Damon had to admit, he looked good and he knew it. He always was dashing in a suit, just a shame a certain blonde wouldn't get to appreciate that tonight.

Carol smiled as she took the glass "Hello."

"Hanging out with your new beasties?" Damon teased as he took a swig of his drink, he still was not too pleased about the fact that his friend had been kissing Klaus's ass.

Carol sighed at his blind comment "I'm the Mayor, Damon. When the oldest, deadliest family of vampires moves into your town you welcome them with a smile."

If she wanted to keep her son and this town safe she couldn't just lash out, it would do nothing but get people killed.

Damon merely arched a brow "Hm. Well, at least you know who you're borrowing that cup of sugar from."

At his smirk, Carol shot him a glare. He seemed to forget that the world didn't revolve around him. His actions didn't just affect him, the whole town suffered if he started a war with the Mikaelsons. 

At least when Buffy and Klaus were torturing each other, they tended to keep it between them and the hybrids. Plus, Buffy still showed up and handled messes herself.

"I'm trying to protect this town. They've assured me they want peace, and I've assured them that I'd enforce it."

"Mayor Lockwood."

The pair turned only to spot Klaus's younger brother Kol walking toward them with a smile on his beautiful face.

Why was everyone in this family so good looking?

It was like they had been plucked out of the perfect gene pool.

"We haven't formally met. Kol Mikaelson." Kol greeted with a smile as he took Carols' hand and raised her knuckles to his lips.

Kissing her hand like he was a lovely gentleman, rather than a wild homicidal maniac.

"I hope your lovely town embraces us just as much as we plan to embrace it."

Given that Kol had yet to even glance at him, Damon purposely cleared his throat and stepped forward into Kol's eye line "Damon Salvatore. Have we met?"

Staring down at Damon's outstretched hand, Kol merely dismissed the younger vampire. Why someone as powerful as Buffy, who had literally been turned into an original spent her time with people like this, he would never understand.

They seemed beneath her.

"I've met a lot of people, and you don't particularly stand out."

With that, Kol walked off and Damon could do nothing but clench his jaw as his ego was knocked down a peg.

He really was regretting coming to this stupid ball.

His attention, however, was quickly pulled to a certain brunette currently speaking to his brother across the room.

What the hell was Elena doing here?!

This was not part of the plan!

Clenching his fists tightly, Damon watched the pair of them closely. He had to admit though, Elena looked stunning in her ballgown, but what wasn't stunning was the planning look in her eyes.

Elena sucked at making plans!

Her plans normally left him and Buffy cleaning up her mess and having to save her.

What the hell was going on? She was supposed to be at home with Buffy, the two of them sitting in awkward silence.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Excuse me Carol." He said quickly before he moved towards the two friends, intent on finding out what the hell was happening. He had clearly been left out of whatever plan they were forming and he hated it.

"Surprise, surprise. Nice tux." He hissed as he walked up behind Elena, glaring right at his brother before focusing down on the brunette "Nice dress. Now, what the hell are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here."

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