A Little Unsteady

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Six weeks.

Christmas had passed and so had the New Year, which officially marked the end of the Winter season.

It also marked the six-week mark since everyone Buffy cared about had discovered the truth about her pregnancy.

Now almost six months pregnant, Buffy's baby bump had almost doubled in size making it impossible to hide any longer. The entire town now knew that the town troublemaker was expecting, meaning that the whispers had started.

It was part of the reason Buffy hadn't left the mansion in weeks.

The last time she had gone out, everyone had stared at her, and sure enough, her stomach had literally become public real estate.

When one of the members of the Founding Families had straight up touched her stomach without so much as a hello, Elena and Bonnie had to keep her from straight up ripping the woman's head off.

Yet, today she hadn't been granted a choice.

Her godmother now knew she was pregnant and it was safe to say Liz had gone into overprotective mode.

Hence, why she was unwillingly propped up in a hospital bed, waiting for Meredith to come and perform an ultrasound.

Just being in the hospital had Buffy ready to jump out of her own skin.

She hated hospitals!

Liz sighed as she spotted Buffy eyeing the door, ready to bolt at any second "Buffy, just breathe sweetie."

Buffy couldn't do that.

She never felt able to breathe in hospitals, memories of all of the horrors she had witnessed consuming her every thought. Grandpa Seth dying, and Cousin Celia being murdered by a demon right in front of her. Loved one after loved one, drying, hurt, and injured.


She had to get out here!

Before Buffy could vanish, Caroline quickly grabbed Buffy's shoulders "Hey, it's just a quick ultrasound. We will leave the second it's done."

"But I have the magic check-in with Bonnie on Monday!" Buffy moaned as Caroline pushed her back down on the bed.

Liz sighed as she watched the fear in Buffy's eyes. Given she had been the one to find Buffy right after Celia had died, she knew just how traumatized Buffy actually was when it came to hospitals.

Celia had died in Mystic Falls General, she had literally been the only member of Hank's family that Buffy had known, and Buffy at 7 years old had watched her brutally die.

It had tainted the idea of hospitals for her forever.

Liz could still remember the way Buffy had sobbed on her for an hour before screaming every time she went near a hospital for a check-up following that traumatizing event.

"Hey..." She whispered soothingly as she cupped Buffy's face in her hands "Nothing is going to happen while I am here. I have you. Just take my hand."

Buffy blinked through watery eyes at the familiar phrasing.

'Auntie Liz...C--Celia she--she's cold. Why is she cold?'

'It's okay sweetie, I have you. Just take my hand.'

Without hesitation, Buffy grabbed Liz's hand, quickly entangling their fingers together.

Liz smiled supportively as she pushed the hair out of Buffy's face before kissing the top of her head softly "Think about it, you will have a photo of your baby girl today."

That certainly helped quell her fear a little.

With Buffy's heart no longer pounded like a terrified mouse being chased by a cat, Caroline took her seat beside her and grinned playfully "I still think Caroline is a fabulous name."

Liz rolled her eyes "Caroline stop trying to get her to name her daughter Caroline the second."

"What?" Caroline cried innocently "It's an amazing name."

Buffy couldn't help but sigh in relief as Meredith finally walked into the room, officially saving her from the argument about why she wasn't naming her child Caroline.

"You have amazing timing cuz."

Meredith laughed as she started setting up the equipment or the ultrasound "Thanks. Speaking of timing, with you almost at the six-month mark, we need to start talking about the birth."

The mention of actually giving birth, caused Buffy to groan, promptly dropping her head back onto the bed "I have to have a natural birth. Including, the whole no hospital help. We are talking middle ages style."

All three women froze, staring at Buffy with a mixture of shock, horror, and sympathy.

A natural birth?

Was Buffy insane?!

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