The Torture Never Stops

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Tyler had blown her off!

This stupid sire bond was ruining Caroline's life! Despite the fact Tyler had broken the sire bond, he was still having to pretend to be one of Klaus's minions in order to make sure he didn't suspect anything.

It sucked!

Caroline couldn't help but sulk as she walked around the student common building, continuing to clean up the decorations from the dance.

Not only had Tyler bailed on her, but Bonnie wasn't answering her phone, Matt was at work and there was no way in hell she was asking Buffy and Elena to help given Alaric had died less than 12 hours ago.

The only other person who had shown up to help tidy up from the cleaning committee was Rebekah.

Who was newly reinstated in her own body and clearly not too happy about missing the dance.

As they continued to clean up together Caroline sighed, unable to handle the awkward silence anymore "I'm sorry about your mom." She said honestly.

Given how recently her own father had died, she could feel for Rebekah. She knew how it felt to lose a parent but the difference was she had her friends when her dad died.

Rebekah didn't have anyone.

Even Buffy hadn't been able to comfort her given Alaric had died last night and Rebekah had only just gotten control of her own body again.

Plus, her own mother had tried to kill her.

It made the topic kind of confusing and awkward.

"I mean, I know you, like hated her and everything but still. I'm sorry."

Rebekah's face softened just a fraction of a second before she put that hard mask back on and continued emptying buckets of decorations into the recycling. However, a stroke of humanity managed to sneak through her hard walls "Sorry about Alaric. He seemed like a nice guy."

Caroline smiled slightly, it was weird...Rebekah could actually be nice.

Maybe Buffy wasn't so crazy for liking her.

"Yeah. He was."

The two smiled softly as silence filled the air between them for a moment as though finally coming to some common ground.

However, that moment quickly ended and they got back to the topic at hand, they still had this entire building to clean up before classes started back up tomorrow.

Just because sophomore year ended in less than a week didn't mean there were no lectures going on.

Buffy was technically the only one that had finished all of her classes and finals, but then again she was a junior, unlike the rest of them.

"I'm going to get started on the library" Rebekah said offering Caroline a small smile before heading into the hall only to be greeted by her worst nightmare.

There stood with the white oak stake which had been bonded with his old ring making it indestructible, was Alaric Saltzman.

The blood drained from Rebekah's face.


"You're supposed to be dead."

"I am." Alaric hissed before speeding over to her and slamming her against the wall.

Rebekah let out a small scream as pain vibrated through her spine. Instantly, horror filled her as she tried to push him away.

She couldn't.

He was stronger than her!

Instantly, terror started to overwhelm her, he could actually kill her, he had the weapon and the strength to end her life.

Suddenly, Caroline appeared, fangs full on display, and took Alaric off guard. Leaping up she wrapped her legs around his neck before twisting her body to the ground.

Buffy had taught her a few tricks.

Flipping back up to her feet, Caroline tossed Rebekah the stake who quickly drove it into Alaric's chest.

Nothing happened.

No grey skin, not bursting into flames.

Just nothing.

Not even a flinch.

Alaric just stared down at the White Oak Stake before slowly pulling it out of his heart like it was nothing.

Gulping the girls shared a panicked glance before bolting. However, given that Rebekah was faster than her she narrowly managed to escape, Caroline, on the other hand, did not have such luck.

The second she had rushed outside, Alaric had sped over to her and slammed her head against a nearby car.

Knocking her unconscious.

Despite the fact his flesh was burning under the beams of the sun, Alaric just grinned and grabbed Caroline's ankle, dragging her toward a car with blacked-out windows.

The games had only just begun.

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