Too Far Gone

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The second she managed to get a moment alone, Buffy had to let loose. The optimistic attitude from Caroline with her subtle comments about Elena and Jeremy had been one thing, but spotting Stefan hovering around town was driving her nuts.

Her skin had been on fire, the desire to rip them both apart growing more intense by the second.

She either needed to have her brains screwed out, or she needed to slaughter something.

Either one would settle the chaos in her chest.

The second her first class had ended, she had ended up shattering her professor's arm then compelling him to sit in a corner like the annoying child he was. He was still sitting there now, even four hours later.

Yet, it hadn't been enough to settle her.

She needed to get out of here.

Stepping into the hall, Buffy bit the inside of her cheek, forcing herself to wave as she spotted Caroline in her cheerleading outfit skipping over to her. How her face never hurt from all the smiling was beyond Buffy's understanding. It defied the laws of physics.

A familiar face caught her attention from the corner of her eye.

Hanging from one of the activity boards were two photos. A memorial photo for the one and only Jeremy Gilbert and the other was a get-well-soon poster for Elena Gilbert.

Buffy rolled her eyes.

Yanking them off the board, she ripped them into pieces before tossing them into the trash. It was bad enough Caroline had been bringing up her dead cousins all day but having their pitiful faces staring back at her had Buffy ready to fill the halls of this campus with blood.

"Hey!" Caroline piped up as she appeared at her side, starting to lead them toward the cafeteria for lunch "How was your first day back in the real world?"

"Good." Buffy lied, her fingers twisting around her bracelet as ideas of how much damage she could cause to everyone annoying her today ran through her head.

She needed to kill something.

Or at least burn something to the ground.

"Are you going to stick around for the competition?"

Buffy froze for a second, her eyes flashing with a hint of excitement. There were several other schools coming today for this competition. Annoying peppy cheerleaders she could have fun playing with. It would be the best way to settle the heat in her chest before going home.


Caroline grinned happily only to quirk a curious brow as the two of them climbed into the line of students, grabbing food for their trays. Buffy looked antsy, which she suspected was mainly because this was the longest period of time she had been away from Joy...but at the same time, she couldn't stop thinking about the way Klaus and Buffy had been around each other this morning.

The sexual tension had been off the charts.

For months, Buffy and Klaus had been building more of a friendship and partnership as they prepared to co-parent their daughter together, yet the slight touches this morning had her suspicious. That and the way Klaus looked ready to go into a rageful jealous fit the second Stefan announced he would be driving them to Whitmore.

She was almost positive something had happened between them.

Had Buffy backpeddled in her grief? Finding comfort in the one unkillable person in her life?

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