A Nightmare To Remember

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Elena leaned her hands against the shower wall as she let the hot water rush over her body.

She needed this.

Just a calm shower where she could think without all of the drama that had happened lately filling her every thought.

Lifting her hands she ran them through her long wet hair before sighing in relief, she hadn't felt this calm in weeks.

Smiling the brunette let the water run over her face before frowning as she felt the water rising around her ankles.

Why wasn't the water draining?

Looking down at her feet, Elena groaned, the tub was half full. Sighing in annoyance she reached down to grab whatever was blocking the drain only to frown at what she felt.

Instead of water, something slimy and stringy wrapped around her fingers.

What the hell?

Yanking on the weird object she pulled it out of the water only to frown in further confusion.


"What the hell—" She mumbled before reaching down again only to pull even more seaweed out of the drain.

It was endless.

Just as the panic started to overwhelm her, Elena gasped in horror as she found herself being pulled face-first into the now-black water.

The seaweed seemed to have a life of its own.

Yanking onto her face dragging her deeper into the water. Screaming loudly, water just filled her lungs as the weeds kept a tight hold of her.

She could feel herself drowning as water rushed into her lungs, yet no matter how much she scream...she couldn't escape...

Shooting up in her bed, Elena screamed at the top of her lungs, gasping loudly she clutched her chest in an utter state of panic. She could feel the water in her lungs, threatening to consume her.

She was drowning!

She could feel it.

Yet she wasn't.

It had been nothing but a dream. 

She wasn't near any form of water, she was lying in her bed at home, completely safe.

Elena couldn't help but sputter as she stared down at her bed sheets in confusion.

It had felt so real...

Allowing her mind to slowly focus back on reality, Elena ran a shaky hand through her hair before swinging her legs over the end of the bed.

These dreams, these nightmares she had been having lately, they were just becoming so real... it was honestly starting to make her dread sleeping.

It gave a new understanding of why Buffy always refused to sleep more than two hours a night.

Pulling herself out of bed she accidentally knocked over her diary which she had been writing in last night.

Well, actually she hadn't written in it, she had been scribbling nonsense. Just random sentences and words that made no sense.

Yet, seeing her notebook resting upside down on the floor on the ground gave Elena momentary pause.

Her words almost looked like an ambigram.

Something that could be perceived as something completely different when viewed from a different perspective.

The mess of her words upside down...it almost looked like a tree.

Ironically though, this wasn't the first time this had happened. For the past few nights ever since Buffy had almost died, Abby had woken up in transition and she and Xander had spent over an hour in the Lockwood cave together, this kept happening.

Everything she wrote in her diary made no sense.

Yet every time she turned her diary upside down she was met with the exact same tree.

The same tree over and over again.

Huffing, Elena tossed her diary to the side before stumbling to her bedroom door intent on getting some coffee before she started to overthink this all.

 "I'm going insane." 

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