The Dynamic Rescue Duo

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Sure enough, when Buffy and Stefan had gone to check the tomb after the had been empty.

All 26 vampires were gone.

Which meant this entire town was beyond screwed.

Hence, why after a night of patrolling for any sign of their missing vampires, Buffy called Elena to meet her at the Boarding House.

Explaining the situation to Bonnie had been intense, the witch had literally started sobbing and screaming over the phone, cursing the whole existence of vampires.

Hopefully, explaining the situation to Elena would go a little bit easier.

"My brain hurts." Elena moaned as she leaned against one of the library chairs, her mind still reeling from all the information that Buffy and the Salvatores had just dropped onto her lap.

She just couldn't believe that Bonnie's Grams had died for nothing. She had literally used all of her energy trying to keep the vampires in the tomb trapped but it had been fruitless. They were now roaming around Mystic Falls.

Their group now had no way of knowing when they might be attacked.

Buffy sighed as she sat on the arm of Elena's chair, just the stressed-out look on Elena's face was making her feel even more stressed "Hey, you asked to be kept in the loop. Not my fault being in the loop sucks."

Damon rolled his eyes at Elena's freaked out incoherent mumbling as he turned away from the window he had been boarding up so he could speak directly to his brother and Buffy.

Ignoring Elena seemed like the best solution to not have to deal with panic.

"I saw we go to Pearl's bust down the door and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night."

Stefan quickly shook his head in disagreement. It was just the three of them vs who knows how many others.

They were outgunned here.

"Yeah. And then what? We turn to the rest of the house of vampires and say, oops. Sorry?"

Damon shrugged completely unbothered "Oh, come on we can take them, we have a vampire Slayer on our side."

Feeling Damon place a hand on her shoulder, Buffy groaned and shoved his hand off her before glaring up at him.

He was the reason she hadn't been able to set those damn vampires on fire when they were in the tomb in the first place.

"I'm not the one who made a deal with Madam Pearl." She snarked "My services as the Slayer aren't available to idiots. I mean were you born this much of a pain in the ass? Or was it a gradual thing?"

"It was more like a helpful exchange of information." Damon argued raising his hands in innocence only to roll his eyes as all three sets of eyes turned to glare at him "And it was not like I had a choice. She's...scary. Although, not as scary as you." He purposely pointed a finger at Buffy "Besides she's gonna help me get Mary back."

Elena couldn't help but scoff at his words "Of course she is. Damon gets what he wants, as usual. No matter who he hurts in the process."

Damon sighed as he reluctantly turned to Elena. Honestly, he didn't see the point of her being here. She was human and helpless.


"You don't have to be snarky about it."

"I woke up this morning to learn that all the vampires have been released from the tomb. I've earned snarky."

Damon sighed letting out a loud huff of air "Oh, come on. Buffy's not being snarky, slightly bitchy yes, but that's normal."

The snide comment caused Buffy to clench her jaw tightly. Before he could even try and smirk at her she grabbed the glass next to her and launched it at him, causing it to hit the wall right by his face.

Damon flinched as the shards of glass cut through his cheek.

Buffy grinned happily "Oh, I would be snarky, but I'm imagining you being set on fire, it's surprisingly calming."

Damon sighed as he picked a broken piece of glass off of his shoulder before looking over at the green-eyed Slayer "How long are you two going to blame me for turning Elena's birth mother into a vampire?"

Elena smiled sarcastically as she stood with a new wave of confidence and turned to Damon "I'm not blaming you, Damon. I've accepted the fact that you're a self-serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities."

Buffy couldn't help but snort at the way Damon's smug smirk quickly vanished from his face "Ditto."

Knowing that a fight was going to break out if he didn't get involved, Stefan sighed and quickly stepped forward, acting as a buffer between the two girls and his brother.

Both clearly wanted to throttle his brother, not that he could blame them.

"This isn't being very productive. We're gonna figure out a way to deal with Pearl and the vampires. Yeah?"

"Oh, I have an idea." Buffy piped up as she pulled a stake out of her jacket and grinned dangerously "I'm gonna kill them all. Problem solved."

Honestly, the truth was she was itching for a good fight, she hadn't had one in so long and for a Slayer, it was uncomfortable to go so long without getting rid of that built-up energy.

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