The Dinner From Hell

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One week.

One week since Buffy and Stefan had started seeing each other. As Buffy had requested, they were taking things slow.

A lunch date, an evening stroll and she had even managed to convince him to join her at the upcoming showcase at the art gallery in Williamsburg that she had frequented.

She found it sweet that even if he wasn't an art guy, he wanted to share in her passion for it.

She had almost forgotten how nice it was to actually go on dates. Dates during the day when the sun shined.

"I think it's smart that you are taking it slow."

Buffy smiled at Bonnie's support.

Despite the fact she had done almost a complete 180 on the whole Stefan thing, it felt nice to have someone support the whole taking it slow thing.

Elena and Caroline were still trying to argue that Buffy should jump right into a serious relationship.

"Thank you for getting it, the whole slow thing." Buffy shut Bonnie's car door, not surprised that Bonnie wouldn't let her drive.

They had gone to breakfast at a small diner this morning and the rule had been that Bonnie had to drive. Clearly, the stories of how terrifying it was to be driven by Buffy Summers had spread like wildfire.

"Let me guess, Care is still pushing?"

Buffy snorted, that was an understatement, to say the least, "She has been texting me every morning since the comet. Always the same. Have you had sex yet? Select yes or no."

The two of them started to walk side by side through the school grounds.

Bonnie tried to fight back a laugh at that "Love her but she needs to get laid so she is less invested in your sex life."

The mention of sex caused Buffy's face to flash red.

"Oh god." She was back in panic mode now, she hadn't even thought about having sex again. Yes, she liked Stefan but given that the last time she had sex it had literally caused the man she loved to become a serial she was a little terrified.

Sex could be amazing, yes, but her one experience had traumatized her.

Buffy froze in her steps causing Bonnie to crash right into her back.

"B?" Bonnie turned to face her confused by the sudden halt in her steps. She quickly spotted the wide panicked look on Buffy's face, something had clearly shaken her up "Are you okay?"
"I haven't thought about that." She whispered causing Bonnie to freeze as something started to become clear.
They had been talking about sex and Buffy had frozen up.

"Buffy, you have had-"

"Once." She confirmed, her fingers starting to twitch which caused Bonnie to quickly take her hands in her own, their fingers entangling "I woke up and Angel was gone... he was different after. Cruel..."

Buffy didn't even have to finish as Bonnie wrapped her up in a tight hug.

Clutching onto Bonnie, Buffy took in a shaky breath before pulling back. She had really needed that hug "Thanks."

"Worrying about sex with a new person is a normal teenage problem." Bonnie assured her cupping Buffy's face in her hands, wiping away the tears she hadn't realized had fallen "Take it slow, and if you are not ready... you're not ready. If he isn't willing to wait, then he isn't the guy for you."

It was official. Bonnie Bennet was the best.

It was nice to be worried about normal teenage girl problems for once.

"You're right. If he pushes I will toss him out of a window."

"And I will make sure to have bail money stored for that day." 

The two girls laughed before looping their arms together as they started to walk together. Just as they exited the car park, Elena rushed over, looping her arm through Bonnie's free one.

"I can't believe you guys had breakfast without me." She teased playfully nudging Bonnie's shoulder.

Bonnie just smirked "New friend bonding. No blood family allowed."

Elena grinned before turning to glance at Buffy "Speaking of friends...have we upgraded Stefan to boyfriend yet?"

While Buffy went quiet, Bonnie pursued her lips. Elena noticed the unhappy looks on their faces "What is with the about-face?" 

"It's not an about-face." Bonnie argued before groaning "Buffy and I already talked about Stefan, Elena. I am playing supportive new best friend to her decision to play it slow."

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