The Temptation of Rage

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"Ready to die, Slayer?" 

At the taunting tone coming from the vampire standing beside his buddy, Buffy couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Vampire comebacks were just getting worse by the year.

Did they have nothing original anymore?

"You really think that's the first time I've heard that?" She asked before stepping to the side as one of the vampires rushed at her and leaped through the air.

She easily drove the stake straight into his heart.

As his body combusted into dust Buffy glanced back over at the other vampire only to gulp as she spotted him pull out two swords "Not good."

As the vampire swung the swords at her, Buffy leaped into an aerial flip, diving straight out of the way.

Landing on the hood of the car near her.

The vampire clearly not wanting to give her a chance to breathe rushed at her, swinging the swords at her feet which she just narrowly managed to avoid by jumping up.

Flipping off the car she landed right behind him and kicked him in the back sending him colliding face-first with the car door.
When he growled and spun around swinging his sword at her, Buffy groaned as she felt the blade cut into her side slightly.

Ignoring the pain, Buffy backflipped away, her feet slamming into his face.

The second she was back on solid ground again, Buffy swept out her leg, knocking one of his swords away.

When he swung the other sword in her direction; she grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back. Kicking him in the stomach Buffy then sent a haymaker punch to his stomach before slamming her elbow into his nose.

As the vampire dropped the second sword right into Buffy's palm, she pushed him to the ground and then lifted the sword, stabbing it straight into his heart.

As his body finally turned to dust Buffy walked over to the other sword and picked it up, smiling slightly as she playfully twisted her new weapon "Ooh, shiny." 


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Climbing in through her window Buffy groaned as she hit the floor before pulling herself back up to her feet.

Just narrowly managing to miss the sight of a mysterious figure slipping into her bathroom. 

Tossing her new blades onto her bed, Buffy pulled her hair into a messy bun before moving to head to the kitchen.

She was having a serious case of Slayer munchies right now.

However, to her shock and horror, as she strolled out of her room, she walked in on the most traumatizing scene.

A horrified Elena stood in the hall, staring in shock at the current half-naked Jenna and Alaric.


Buffy's eyes widened in horror as she stared at the couple. She officially wanted to rip out her own eyeballs right now "Why me?" She mumbled quickly covering her eyes "God, I can be blind?"

Jenna couldn't help but groan in embarrassment as she spotted her other niece walk in on the humiliating moment.

First Elena walked in now Buffy.

Could this get any worse?

"Not another one."

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