This Is How Villians Are Made

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Despite their frantic yells, Stefan and Klaus could do nothing as they were forced to watch the blade go straight into Buffy's heart. Everything moved in slow motion, as the witches swooped the baby up and rushed out of the crypt while Buffy's corpse collapse back onto the floor.

The floor was drenched in her blood.

The second the crypt doors slammed shut, both men severally weakened by magic collapsed to the ground. Neither one of them was able to look away from the blood-soaked body in the center of the room.

Silence spread through the air between both men as Klaus managed to move first, his strength returning quicker than the younger vampire. Crawling over to her body, Klaus let out a shaky breath as he carefully lifted her head onto his lap, his stomach churning at the sight of her torn-open corpse.

Ripping the orange blade out of her heart, he tossed it across the room ignoring the burn it left on his flesh as he started pressing her torn-open stomach back together with his hands, drenching them in her blood.

She wasn't healing.

"No, no, no..." He sputtered, tears starting to break through as he bit into his wrist and pressed it against her already bloody lips, but again, nothing happened. Her body remained desiccated, not a single sign of life.

"Come, love, time to get up." He whispered soothingly as he pushed her red matted hair out of her face.

Her body was stone cold.

Buffy was immortal like him, yet in her one moment of weakness, the witches had taken advantage of it. Just like Elijah had almost done when he had broken The Curse all those years ago.

A moment of vulnerability to take advantage of.

They had carved her open, slit her throat, and stolen her life, then left her lying in a puddle of her own blood like she meant nothing. Like she wasn't the woman who had saved this sorry world.

Klaus wanted to burn the world.

In a thousand years he had never felt so much rage, he wanted to burn and tear apart every witch as well as their ancestors.

One second.

He had been one second too late and that second was all it had taken for her to be ripped from this world

Despite hearing the crypt doors slam open, Klaus didn't move, he didn't blink, he didn't utter a word. He could do nothing but stare down at Buffy's peaceful face as he held her. In a thousand years, he had never thought about turning it off, but the longer he held her dead body in his arms, the more tempting the idea became.


Elijah stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes widening in horror as he took sight of the burnt blood-soaked crypt. Stefan Salvatore was on the ground, desperately trying to get his strength back as he approached Klaus who was holding a blood-soaked body in his arms.

The body of Buffy Anne Summers.

Stumbling into the room, tears brimmed Elijah's eyes as he took in the horrifying sight of Buffy's body. Letting his eyes scan the marks of her torture before her death "No, no, no. NO...." He sputtered as he fell to his knees beside his brother who had yet to take his tear-filled eyes off of Buffy's face. He was merely sitting there silently, stroking her cheek softly with his own blood-soaked fingers.

As the tears started to fall, Klaus finally glanced up at his elder brother "She's gone. She... she's gone."

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