In The Eyes Of A Sinner

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Buffy was pregnant.

She was carrying Klaus's hybrid bun in her oven and it had completely blown Rebekah's mind. 

How the hell was this even possible?

Given that her knees had promptly buckled following the reveal that her brother had knocked up Buffy with her future niece or nephew, Rebekah continued to stare at the trio with wide eyes.

Though Nik's comment about protecting his child right before he stabbed her in the heart, suddenly made an insane amount of sense.

"How--what--in a thousand years I don't seem to remember any unexpected supernatural pregnancy?!"

"It's one of nature's loopholes." Stefan grunted out as his nails continued to dig into the table, splintering the wood "The Prophecy about Klaus and Buffy, it was mistranslated."

Leaning back in her chair, Rebekah ran her hands over her face letting out a harsh breath as the reality of what this all meant started to weigh down on her.

There was to be a new member of the Mikaelson family.

One insanely powerful, innocent, and in an incredible amount of danger.

"Mari must be going mental." She whispered under her breath. 

There was no way that Marianna hadn't lost her mind at the reveal that The Prophecy she had seen so long ago, a Prophecy that had set her course had actually been mistranslated this entire time.

While the prospect of having a niece or nephew utterly thrilled Rebekah with excitement, this was still a lot of information to take in.

The last thing she knew when it came to Buffy and Klaus was that Buffy had been so petrified at the mere idea of letting him in, that she had collapsed into sobs in her arms. It had literally taken Rebekah over an hour to get her to stop crying after the truth had come out.

"So let me get this straight." Rebekah breathed as she pushed up to her feet, beginning to pace back and forth.

Buffy was pregnant with a child that had a very high chance of killing her during the birth, and now Rebekah was going to have to share a family with Elena Gilbert of all people.

They would share a niece or nephew!

Talk about a nightmare!

God, she could only hope that this didn't mean family vacations with the Gilberts.

"Stefan screwed up which lead to Buffy getting knocked up. And my darling future niece or nephew is one the keys to finding the cure?"

Feeling Rebekah focus on her with a smug smile, Elena clenched her fists and begrudgingly nodded. She couldn't exactly speak right now, Rebekah didn't trust her not to scream even with compulsion.

So now here she was with duck tape over her mouth.

Today was the worst.

As much as she enjoyed watching Elena twist and huff about the fact that not only had she known about the relationship between Buffy and Klaus first, which she could imagine just digging at all of those insecurities Elena had buried deep down, Rebekah felt her eyes shift to Stefan.

When he had told her all about his dream of having a human life with Buffy, Klaus had literally been in New Orleans being granted that dream.

It had to dig and while she knew it was petty, given what he had done, Rebekah had no problem rubbing it in his face.

"It's must dig at you..." Stefan's jaw tightened, his nails starting to dig into the palms of his hands drawing blood "Woman you love pregnant with another man's child when all you wanted was to be the one to have a family with her. I wonder, given my brother's distaste of the word bastard..."

Just because Stefan had finally gotten to a better place when it came to this pregnancy, it didn't change the fact that it still hurt to have it rubbed into his face, especially given the timing.

The hope of The Cure had appeared but by that point, Buffy was unknowingly already two months pregnant.

The timing just felt like the universe's way of punishing him for all the bodies he had left scattered across the world in the past two hundred years.

However, what had Stefan ready to launch himself at Rebekah even if his body was literally stuck to the chair because of compulsion, was the not-so-subtle hinting of Klaus's hatred of the word bastard. Technically speaking, a bastard was a child born out of wedlock, which this baby would be and the only way to avoid that was if...


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