Going Under

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Xander Harris
stared at himself in the long mirror for several minutes after Willow had left him.

He was getting married today.

Sighing as he stared at his now fixed tie, Xander couldn't help but feel panicked. In less than an hour, he would be married to Anya.

He was supposed to be happy.

He was marrying the love of his life but yet he couldn't get rid of this uncertain feeling in his chest, the feeling like maybe this wasn't the right thing.

Forcing all negative feelings about his upcoming marriage from his brain the human man forced a smile on his face preparing to face the mixture of demons and monsters...the monsters being his own family members.

The Harris's were scarier than any demon on the Hellmouth.

As he walked into the main hall, Xander didn't even have two seconds before he began getting bombarded with issues. His uncle getting drunk, and demonic presents were on the loose...it was all just too much.

He just wished he had the rest of his friends here.

He wished Buffy, Jeremy, and Elena were here.

Suddenly in the midst of all the drama, an older man grabbed his arm dragging him into the corner of the room.

Who the hell was this old guy?

Another uncle?

"You have to listen to me. You can't get married today. It's a huge mistake."

Xander shook his head at the crazy man, he couldn't have someone he didn't know digging into his own dark thoughts right now "Yeah right. Thanks for the advice, Uncle...help me here?"

This guy had to be from his father's side of the family right?

The man merely frowned in confusion "Uncle? You don't recognize me, do you?"

"I'm sorry, I don't—"

"It sounds crazy, I know but you have to believe me. I'm Xander Harris. I'm you. And I need to show you the truth, you'll see the truth, this isn't what you want, you'll see what you truly want.

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After her brief chat with Xander, Elena leaned back against her headboard, staring down at her phone with a shaky hand.

Xander was about to get married.

Yet instead of feeling happy for him, she felt like her heart was being torn into two pieces.

Why was she feeling like this? It wasn't right! Xander was her friend!

Anya was her friend.

Sighing she ran a hand through her hair and forced herself to stand. Moving over to her mirror she paused as she spotted the photo of her and Xander from the first party she went to during her year in Sunnydale.

She couldn't help but smile remembering back to how he danced around like a lunatic trying to get her to dance with him until finally she had taken his hand and the two had danced for hours.

Xander was such a goofball.

He was adorable.

Letting out a small laugh she took in a shaky breath trying to force down her newly discovered feelings for the Harris boy.

He was happy and about to get married. She had to be happy for him.

She had to be.

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