Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight w/ note :

"Don't attack me!" Kyla exclaimed as I hugged her. Her and Niall were sitting in the waiting room talking to each other, until the eight of us; Megan, Zayn, Harry, Liam, Vivian, Charlie, Louis, and me; came up and started attacking the two of them with questions and hugs.

"Sorry," I laughed as I let go, "Are you hurt? Tell me everything."

"Some guy in a motorcycle ran into us, but nothing really serious. The guy told us he was sorry, but has a broken arm. Niall and I are fine, but the paramedics insisted on taking the two of us to the hosptial to get checked for injuries and/or cuts."

"Chocolate!" I heard Niall yell. I turned around to see Louis handing Niall that stupid box of chocolate him and Zayn found in the hospital's gift shop. Niall grabbed it and hugged it, "Thank you!"

"And for Kyla, a teddy bear," Louis smirked tossing Kyla the brown furred teddy bear with a red velvet ribbon tied around it's neck.

"Um, thanks," Kyla said holding it. Charlie came over and hugged her, telling her how worried she was. But really, Charlie wasn't. I was the one who was all worried. And so was Vivian. The person who I'm hating right now.

I hugged Niall and he hugged back. Then we let go and I saw Louis smirking at me. I shot him a glare and he rolled his eyes. 

"Can't you guys leave with us now?" Charlie asked after all the questions about the wreck. Kyla shook her head.

"The nurses told us to stay put," Niall said. He was holding the box of chocolate still, "They said that the doctor who examined us wants to talk to us. I don't know why, but he just does."

"Wait, which side did the motorcycle hit you?" Harry asked.

"From the back," Kyla replied, "It was almost like riding bumper cars."

"I remember my first car wreck. What joy that was," Vivian glanced at Charlie. Charlie rolled her green eyes.

"I just ran into a tree, okay? Don't be all sarcastic about it," Charlie crossed her arms.

"A tree?" Megan, Zayn, Louis, Harry, Liam, and Niall said in unison. I've already heard the story. Vivian told Kyla and me one day when Charlie was out at campus.

"It was two weeks after Charlie got her license," Vivian said beginning the horrible tale of Charlie running the car into the tree, "Her father and mother bought her a used car, not the one she has now, and she decided to take it to school. At lunch at school she asked me if I wanted to ride with her home from school in her new car."

"She said no," Charlie added resting her head on her hand that was formed into a fist, "But I got her to say yes."

"Because you made me miss my bus," Vivian snapped, "We were riding down the road I lived on and she went to grab a piece of gum. I said that there was a bird in the middle of the road, and Charlie said it will just fly away. We got closer to the bird and found out that it was actually a chipmunk."

"I went to turn so I wouldn't run over the rodent," Charlie said, "But ended up driving into a tree."

"Her parents weren't mad, which was weird because when Charlie's brother wrecked his car three monthes before, they were about to explode," Vivian crossed her arms, "My parents were all mad and my mom yelled at Charlie. Charlie yelled back. It was pretty distrubing to watch."

"Did you tell your parents how you ran into the tree?" Liam asked, "Or did you just say it was an accident?"

"That was why her parents weren't mad!" Vivian exclaimed, "Charlie said there was a stupid chipmunk in the middle of the road, and her parents were all okay with it! They said it was the chipmunk's fault, not hers!"

"Charlie is the only daughter," Kyla explained, "And Vivi says that her dad spoils her nonstop."

"Because I'm his little princess," Charlie said, "Back to Kyla and Niall's situation, when is the dumb doctor coming?"

"By dumb doctor, do you mean me?" I heard a voice say from behind Charlie. It was a man wearing a white coat. He was obviously a doctor. The doctor held a clipboard in one hand and had his glasses resting on the end of his nose.

"Nice one, Charlie," I heard Louis mumble. Charlie turned around and didn't seem embaressed or anything. She acted like her normal, crazy, everyday self.

"Sorry, I just thought you were dumb because you were taking forever and my friends," Charlie motioned to Niall and Kyla, "are okay."

"How do you know? You're not the doctor," the man spoke. Charlie rolled her eyes.

"They just said they were fine and did a check up. I don't thin-" Charlie was cut off by the doctor.

"I'm just messing with you. Your friends are free to go," the doctor laughed.

All of us walked out, without saying a word, and returned to the cars we came in. Hoping, to myself, and praying that we don't run into a tree because of an evil chipmunk.


This chapter is lame. I just didn't know what else to yeah. Have you seen pup direction on youtube? It's awesome! :D I am thinking about doing another question and answer with the characters. Along with me (this way you can ask me stupid, random, and serious questions. Like 'why do you keep delaying Harry and Aria's relationship' or 'how did you find out about 1D' or 'did you ever like the Jonas Brothers' or 'if you could meet One Direction, what would be the first thing you would do'?)


Have you seen The Neighbors or Guys With Kids? Those shows are hilarious! Along with the Mindy Project! :)

with more chapters to come, hopefully LONGER ones, xoxo

-Kat :{)

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