Chapter Seventy Five

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Chapter Seventy Five w/ note :

Laura's P.O.V

"And then she kept saying sorry to me like I was going to just forget about it and hug her," I rolled my eyes as I told Alex this story, who was mad at me because she just downloaded Demi Lovato's new song and was aching to listen to it, "I just walked out of there saying she broke my promise and we will never be sisters again because I have no more trust for her because of that. Her reason to doing it is still unknown and the entire time I was there, Zayn was on herside, even though he admitted that he was mad at her for doing it in the past."

"Can I listen to my song now?" Alex asked.

"No, I need your advice," I said as I hugged the pillow that I was hugging harder. I had my back pushed against the edge of the bed and had my legs spread out, while Alex sat next to me by the desk with her laptop and iPod on, "Should I fogive her or should I hate her forever?"

"Well, if I was you, I'd forget about it and start celebrating because I might be related to THE Zayn Malik," I sent her a glare, but she just ignored it, "I get that you're mad, Laura. But being mad doesn't solve anything. Remember when those rumors about Taylor Swift and Harry dating last year? Every directioner was mad, and it solved nothing. It was just a huge explosion of anger all over tumblr and twitter and facebook and YouTube."

"Don't bring up Haylor," I begged remembering how it sent me nightmares when I went to check tumblr before I went to bad at night, forgetting that I had to study for an exam that I had scheduled for the next day.

Last month, after Aria left London, there were rumors swirling around that One Direction's management was planning on making Harry date Taylor Swift so that everyone would be distracted from the Savannah Smith accident, who was known as the plastic Barbie doll all over England right now. And another reason was, was because they wanted to get One Direction more popular with adults and little kids. The thing was a huge rumor and since it got out before the first 'date', management stopped it. I learned all this because I was skyping Megan one day and I had heard Zayn and Louis talking about this in the background.

"So, can I listen to my song or are you still going to mope?" Alex asked as she tried to untwist her ear buds so that they were in a huge knot. I shrugged, "I'll take that as I yes that I can listen to my song."

She plugged her ear buds into her laptop and then began to listen to the song. I know this because I could hear it because of the volume it was on.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and began to scoll through it. It was already charged and I had some missed calls from my mother. They were probably her asking if I made it here okay and to tell Megan that she said hi. But of course I would ignore the last part, because a few minutes ago I had my last ever conversation with my oldest sister.

I was about to start a brand new game of Cut the Rope when there was a knock on the door. I sighed, not wanting to get up because I was too comfortable where I was layed out. I took pushed the pillow that was wrapped in a pillow case off of me and got up off the bed. I walked like a zombie to the door. If it was Megan, then she's dead because I wasted some energy walking over the door to talk to her. If it was Zayn, then he better be able to have a door slammed into his face because he was probably being a messanger for Megan. If it was Niall, he should know that I'm not in the mood for jokes, pranks, or games. Same goes for Louis.

I opened the door, "Hel-Aria?!"

"Yes, it's me, Lars. Nice to see you, too," Aria chuckled. I embraced her into a hug because I missed her. I haven't seen her in ages and the last time I had contact with her, she got mad at me for choosing Team Harry. She smelled like vanilla and a little bit like chlroine. Weird.

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