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Hyunjin walked home missing SeoYeon. He wanted to talk with her, tell her everything. But right now he was alone regretting what he said to jeongin.

It was hurting him. He didn't wanted to leave him, but being with him hurted him so much too. It was so confusing and stressed him. He failed classes and quit dancing. He felt just like doing nothing.

So he quickly went home and threw himself into his bed. Looking at the wall he noticed a piece of paper and an box on his table. He walked to it and opened it seeing a necklace he once saw while he walked through the city with innie. He told him that its pretty that day. But why is it here now?. Hyunjin took the paper and it just said "I worked hard for it ♡" and nothing more. Hyunjin ran downstairs.

"Muum?" he screamed and found his mom in the kitchen drinking tea and looking at him "Where's this from" he said holding up the box "Oh a girl brought it here saying its from her friend and that its for u.. Is something wrong?"

"No. Thank u."

Hyunjin ran upstairs and looked at the necklace, It was beautiful. He remembered that Jeongin wasnt in school and was in the city with Hae-Won.



Okok guys I'm so stressed with school and my health but like I need to tell u something that happened to me on Friday.

There's this one guy in school I called cute with my one friend since last year (I just knew him from seeing him on the bus and now we're at the same school)...
So yea. Friday I walked past him to my friend and told her that he's there. My friend instantly walked there and looked at him.. So that was weird but buuuuut.

After school I was waiting for my bus and there was another Cutie that is often in my bus then out of nowhere the boy from school walked to him and they talked like wtf why r they friends ahhhh.

I just went into the bus and sat down. During the way home they both sat down infront of me and played the rock-paper-scissors game while I was just looking out of the window. Then the boy from school stood up, walked to me and asked if he could sit down next to me (He was literally already sitting ahahahaha hahahahahaha) I said something like unwillingly bc i was uncomfortable but took my bag away so he had space. And he took that space ufff... So he just looked at me and said hi and his name and started talking to me but I was so uncomfortable that I already had my earphones back in my ears, listened to music and stared out of the window while ignoring him.

He was just sitting there. After 10min he got up and walked back to his friends...

Uffff.... The only thing I then understood was his friends laughing and him saying "I don't even knew her" :(.

But no joke he's so frickin handsome... And the fact that while I was sitting there I thought about how weird it would have been if he would have sat down next to me and then at the end he did..

And btw I was kinda rude I know but mostly bc i was uncomfortable that they played that rock-paper-sciccors game before it happened.

My story time is longer than the chapter itself ups

<ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 >  //Hyunin//Where stories live. Discover now