Chapter Ten (2) : Secrets are Hidden for a Reason

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|Song for the Chapter: Hold On Till May by Pierce the Veil|

Chris' P.O.V. 

Everything has been going normal for awhile, and Ricky and Katelynn were going strong, and trust each other even after everything. I wish I had a relationship like that, but if true love is real, you have to wait for it. I was Kate's older borther now, since Harry has left. I knew there was another problem coming up, since I was getting wierd text messages from a random person. I knew it was Harry, so tonight I invited the gang over for some pizza adn was going to tell them. They were like my family and you can't hide secrets from your family, even it might risk thier lives. 

Today Rick, Kate, and I were having a lazy day and were just wearing our sweatpants and band shirts that we had. Somewhere around seven the guys came in wearing their sweats and shirts. T.J. had volenteer to buy the pizza and I was pretty sure that he wa going to eat half of it on the way here. 

We all sat either talking or watching American Horror Story. Angelo and I were talking about the upcoming tour that we were also going to announce to the ladies. There was also going to be good news along with that. We finally had upgraded to a bigger bus the girls could come with us. The dorrbell rang and everyone's heads snapped towards the door. All of a sudden we were all pushing each other to get to the door. Ryan was the first one to open the door, and T.J. looked suprised by us all grabbing random items. We ran back to living room adn started to open the food, while Allie went to grab the paper plates, beer, water, and soda. 

"HEY SOMEONE TOOK MY KEYS!" T.J. yelled. Suddenly Kate rose up adn handed him back his keys, with a pout on his face. 

"I thought you wouldn't notice." She mumbled walking back to Ricky and sitting in between his legs, while he gave her a kiss on the forehead. 

After a while they guys and I decied to tell them the news.

"Guys we're going on tour, with Black Veil Brides." We all yelled. 

The girls looked at us with wide eyes, and Allie got all teary. 

"W-what." Kelly ssaid looking at Angelo. 

"But, you guys can come with us." Ricky said hugging Kate. 

"YESSSSSSSSSSS." The ladies screamed pumping their fist in the air. I smiled and hugged T.J., since we were the only ones without a lady. 

"We can be together Chris." T.J. said. 

"I always knew you were gay." Ricky siad getting a slap on the head from both of us. 

"I wish it can always be like this." Kate said looking around at us. I smiled, debating if I should tell them. I decied that I would not tell until the right time. Some secrets are hidden for a reason right?

|Vote, Comment, and Follow Me. Yeah Chris' P.O.V., sorry if was too short, but yes I got an update today. There going to be a contest for this story. I will let you guys know more about later. I would like to thank datblonde17, for making me the new cover. Go check her out.| 

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