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"It's about time your ass came home," folding her arms at me as I came through the door, my moms was already at my neck and I should've expected that. She's been the one raising my child even when I was out in them streets when I was younger, and I owe her one.

"I know and Kairi has a wonderful grandmother which I love so much. You know what, don't bother watching her for the rest of the day. I think I got it from here and I'm good," as I moved closer towards the kitchen, I leaned up against the large island as she sat at the table drinking herself a little cup of coffee.

"If that's what my son wants, I gotta respect it, but this won't be my final time walking in this house for my little angel. Dave you gotta learn to take more responsibility, you're a GROWN man and I done my parent raising a child. My duties are over and it's time for you to carry the weight. You took part in making her, so finish the job."

Taking a deep breath, I drew my hand down my face before bringing it back up to rub my temples, "You're right ma..you've always have been and I just failed to listen until it was too late. Let me do what's right and take full responsibility of her," looking up towards her, she nodded and came over to me only to just pull me close into a hug.

In that moment, I left as if a load was lifted up off of my shoulders and the feeling of being a kid came back to me. My mother had became my guardian angel that I needed to keep me going.

"Alright, let me get going now, I gotta go to the bank and do a few more things on my list. I love you David and you know that. Be safe and don't get yourself caught up in anymore trouble," grabbing her Channel purse from the island, I walked her towards the door and opened it up.

"Okay mama, I love you too," kneeling down a little bit, I planted a small kiss on her cheek before giving her one more hug.

"One more thing, tell Parker hi next time you see her. I know you're trying to get that girl back, but you need to stop trying and start fighting. Poor ole boy let the best thing in his life slip out of his hands," fanning me off as she walked onto the porch and down the driveway, I shook my head.

Ain't this a bitch, my moms liking an ex? Well everyone likes Parker.


Waking up to my work alarm clock, I instantly turned it off and deleted the alarm. A girl ain't got a job, so why have the alarm on? Them damn braids was real tight last night and I could feel that the durag came off, but the bonnet was semi-on. Fuck it.

Getting up and cracking my neck as I sat up in bed, my body went in a twisting motion to crack my back before doing my knuckles. After getting up, I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, and take a little quick shower.

After fifteen minutes took up majority of my time in the bathroom, I got dressed and made up the bed. Having pulling up my leggings up over my stomach and pulling down my Fila t-shirt, I heard the doorbell ring and I checked my phone to see who it was. Obviously it was Malcom. He always stops by before he goes off to either goes to the gym or any other form of activity.

Walking down towards the very first level, I unlocked the door and opened it up to see him dressed in a Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt, ripped denim jeans, and some Air Max. Not to mention he had on a red cap and jewelry.

"Hey baby," smiling at my lightly as he stepped inside the house, he then pulled me closer by my plump rounded ass inching towards his chest and leaned down to plant a kiss on my soft lips, slowly sliding his tongue in my mouth. His strong ass tooth paste could've burned my nostrils.

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